Group Report Metric Definitions
This article is a comprehensive list of available values and their definitions that you may choose from when creating a custom Group report.
Abandoned Calls
This value shows the total number of inbound calls associated with the given group that did not end in a Talking or Voicemail event. These are calls that entered the system but were ended prematurely by the calling party.
Because group reports filter out call events and other information that does not apply to the group, the reporting engine sometimes processes portions of calls that end with Transfer Hold events, even though the call was actually transferred and completed successfully by another hunt group. By the usual definition, a call that ends with a Transfer Hold event would be an abandoned call. However, in group reports, this unique situation has been accounted for and these calls will not be considered abandoned.
For a list of filter definitions for Abandoned Calls, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Abandoned Chat Count
This value displays the total count of external chats that were abandoned by the given group(s). A chat is considered abandoned when the chat ends in any event other than "chatting". Most often this is in a scenario when the client closes the chat while they are in the chat queue, or without hitting "end chat".
Chats are initiated from your website between a customer and your agent. When a chat is initiated it will be presented to an available agent. The agent then has a certain amount of time to accept or decline the chat.
Note: This value requires the Multimedia Web Chat module. If this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased or the license has not been assigned to the agent, then the column will appear empty as a result upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Abandoned Chat Count, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Agent Speed of Answer
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average time it took for agents in the given hunt group to answer their phones when an Inbound call came to them.
Speed of answer is defined as the total duration of Ringing events associated with an agent before a call's first Talking event.
- This column only applies to Inbound calls.
- This column only concerns events associated with an agent or group. It does not include events that have no particular agent or group association, such as Auto Attendant events.
For a list of filter definitions for Agent Speed of Answer, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Answered Calls
This value shows the total number of inbound calls associated with the given group that contained at least one Talking event. These are calls that were handled by a live agent.
For a list of filter definitions for Answered Calls, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Average Calls Per Hour
This value shows the average number of calls the group participates in every hour over the given time frame.
For a list of filter definitions for Average Calls Per Hour, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Call Count
This value shows the total number of calls (inbound, outbound, internal) associated with the given group.
For a list of filter definitions for Call Count, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Call Duration
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average duration of all calls associated with the given hunt group.
For a list of filter definitions for Call Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Caller Wait Time
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average amount of time callers spent waiting during calls associated with the given hunt group.
Caller Wait Time is defined as the total duration of all events in a call other than talking, voicemail, or dialing.
For a list of filter definitions for Caller Wait Time, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Calls Overflowed From
This value shows the total number of calls that were overflowed into another hunt group from the given group.
Note: This column counts calls that contain Overflow events listing the given group in the hunt group column. The group receiving the overflow call is listed as the receiving party.
For a list of filter definitions for Calls Overflowed From, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Calls Overflowed To
This value shows the total number of calls that the given hunt group received as overflow calls from other groups.
Note: This column counts calls that contain overflow events listing the given group as the receiving party. The group sending the overflow call is listed in the hunt group column.
For a list of filter definitions for Calls Overflowed To, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Chat Count
This value shows the total number of inbound chats associated with the selected group(s).
Chats are initiated from your website between a customer and an agent logged into a specific group. When a chat is initiated, it will be presented to an available agent.
Note: This value requires the Multimedia Web Chat module. If this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased the column will appear empty as a result upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Chat Count, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Chat Duration
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average duration of the chats associated with the selected group(s). (The desired duration can be selected while configuring this value.)
Chats are initiated from your website between a customer and your agents logged into a specific group. When a chat is initiated, it will be presented to an available agent.
Note: This value requires the Multimedia Web Chat module. If this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased then the column will appear empty as a result upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Chat Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Chat Queue Accept Count
This value shows the total number of inbound chats that were accepted from the queue by agents logged into the given group(s).
Chats are initiated from your website between a customer and your agent. When a chat is initiated, it will be presented to an agent logged into the given group. If there are no agents available to accept the chat from the client, the client may then be entered into a chat queue until an agent becomes available.
Note: This value requires the Multimedia Web Chat module. If this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased then the column will appear empty as a result upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Chat Queue Accept Count, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Chat Queue Duration
This value show the total, maximum, minimum, or average duration that a client waited in the chat queue before the chat was accepted by an agent logged into the given group(s).
Chats are initiated from your website between a customer and your agent(s) logged into the given group(s). When a chat is initiated, it will be presented to an available agent. If there are no agents available in the group to accept the chat from the client, then the client may be entered into a chat queue until an agent becomes available.
Note: This value requires the Multimedia Web Chat module. If this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased then the column will appear empty as a result upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Chat Queue Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Chat Queue Missed Count
This value shows the total number of inbound chat offers from the queue that were missed by the selected group(s).
Chats are initiated from your website between a customer and your agent. When a chat is initiated, it will be presented to an agent logged into the given group(s). If there are no agents available to accept the chat from the client, then the client may be entered into a chat queue until an agent becomes available in that group. Once an agent becomes available, the client, currently waiting in the chat queue, will be offered to the available agent. If the agent does not accept the chat, it will be considered a missed chat for the agent, as well as the group.
Note: This value requires the Multimedia Web Chat module. If this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased then the column will appear empty as a result upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Chat Queue Missed Count, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Chat Speed of Answer
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average amount of time that it took agents in the selected group(s) to answer the chat when it was presented.
Chats are initiated from your website between a customer and your agent. When a chat is initiated, it will be presented to an available agent.
Note: This value requires the Multimedia Web Chat module. If this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased then the column will appear empty as a result upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Chat Speed of Answer, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Chats with Phrase (Count)
This value shows the total number of instances in which a specific key word or key phrase is used or said during the chat sessions. (The key word/phrase can be established when configuring the value.)
Note: This value requires the Multimedia Web Chat module. If this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased then the column will appear empty as a result upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Chat with Phrase (Count), see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Chats with Phrase (Percent)
This value shows the percent of instances in which a specific key word or key phrase is used or said during the chat sessions. (The key word/phrase can be established when configuring the value.)
Note: This value requires the Multimedia Web Chat module. If this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased then the column will appear empty as a result upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Chat with Phrase (Percent), see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Composite Score
This value pertains to the Scorecard feature of the Recording Library module. Scorecards provide the ability to create a series of questions wherein the manager may evaluate the group's performance based on the recordings that coincide with the Scorecard. Once a call has been "scored," you may then run a report that will provide the scored call statistics. Once the scorecard questions have been answered, this value provides the composite score of all questions on the scorecard for the selected group(s).
Note: This value requires the Recording Library module. As a result, if this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased, the column will appear empty upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Composite Score, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Discretionary Not Ready Time
This value shows the total length of time that agents in the given group(s) , by their own doing, placed themselves in a state of "Not Ready."
"Not Ready" is a feature of the Multimedia module and is similar to a "Do Not Disturb" state. "Discretionary Not Ready" is when an agent is not ready to take a call and they place their phone in a state of "Not Ready," which prevents calls from being sent to them.
Note: This value requires the Multimedia module. If this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased then the column will appear empty as a result upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Discretionary Not Ready Time, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Event Duration
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average duration of all events of the specified type associated with the given hunt group.
For a list of filter definitions for Event Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Expanded Question Score
This value is a feature of the Recording Library scorecards. This value allows you to simply add one "Expanded Question Score" column, and by default, it will then display a column for each question found in the campaign without having to manually add a column for each individual question.
Note: This value requires the Recording Library module. As a result, if this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased, the column will appear empty upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Expanded Question Score, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Final Group Call Count
This value shows the number of times the given group was the final group. The final group is the last group to be associated with an event during a call.
Note: This filter takes other event-level filters into account. This means that if the last group-related event has already been filtered out of the call data, this filter will look for the next-to-last group-related event.
For a list of filter definitions for Final Group Call Count, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Group Login Duration
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average block of time the specified agent spent logged in to the given group.
For a list of filter definitions for Group Login Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Group Logout Duration
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average block of time the specified agent spent logged out of the given group.
For a list of filter definitions for Group Logout Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Group Wait Time
This value provides the total time the selected groups were ringing or queuing, meaning that the client waited for an answer.
For a list of filter definitions for Group Wait Time, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Inbound Calls
This value shows the total number of inbound calls that contained at least one event associated with the given hunt group, meaning the group was involved in the call.
Note: This column includes calls that the group may not have actively participated in. For example, an inbound call that goes directly to the group's voicemail will appear in this column. To find calls that the group had an opportunity to participate in, use Presented Calls.
For a list of filter definitions for Inbound Calls, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Initial Group Call Count
This value shows the number of times the given group was the initial group. The initial group is the first group to be associated with an event during a call.
Note: This filter takes other event-level filters into account. This means that if the first group-related event has already been filtered out of the call data, this filter will look for the next group-related event.
For a list of filter definitions for Initial Group Call Count, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Internal Calls
This value shows the total number of internal calls associated with the given group. An internal call is a call that originated inside of your phone system and rang within your phone system.
For a list of filter definitions for Internal Calls, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Max Agents Logged In
This value shows the largest number of agents simultaneously logged in to the given group.
For a list of filter definitions for Max Agents Logged In, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Max Agents with Skill Enabled
This value shows the largest number of agents simultaneously enabled in a multimedia skill.
Note: This value requires the Multimedia module. If this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased then the column will appear empty as a result upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Max Agents with Skill Enabled, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Max Calls In Queue
This value shows the largest number of calls associated with the given group that were simultaneously waiting in queue.
For a list of filter definitions for Max Agents in Queue, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Missed Calls
This shows the total number of calls where the given group was involved in a ringing or queue event, but not a talking event, meaning they missed the call. By default, this column will only include inbound calls, but it can be set to include other call directions.
- A single call that rang two different times for the same group but was answered once will count as an answered call, not a missed call.
- Calls that were answered by a second group after being missed by the first group will still count as missed for the first group, even though the call itself was eventually answered.
- In order for a group to miss or answer a call, the call must first be presented to the group. An inbound call that goes directly to voicemail will not count as presented or missed because it never rang at any agent's phone or entered a queue.
For a list of filter definitions for Missed Calls, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Outbound Calls
This value shows the total number of outbound calls associated with the given group. An outbound call is a call that originated inside of your phone system and dialed out to a number outside of your phone system.
For a list of filter definitions for Outbound Calls, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Percent of Calls Abandoned
This value shows the percentage of the given hunt group's total calls where the group's final involvement was not a talking, voicemail, or transfer hold event, meaning the call was abandoned.
By default, this column will only include inbound calls, but it can be set to include other call directions.
Note: A call that was handled by multiple groups before being abandoned will count once for each group. The call will count as abandoned for the last group to handle the call, and will count as either abandoned or not abandoned for the other groups, depending on their final event.
For a list of filter definitions for Percent of Calls Abandoned, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Percent of Calls Abandoned w/o Port
This value shows the percent of calls that were abandoned while in the queue that were never offered the option to receive a queue callback.
Note: This value requires the Multimedia Queue Callback module. If this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased or configured then the column will appear empty as a result upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Percent of Calls Abandoned w/o Port, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Percent of Calls Answered
This value shows the percentage of the given hunt group's total calls that include at least one talking event with an agent in the hunt group, meaning they were answered by the agent.
Note: By default, this column will only include inbound calls, but it can be set to include other call directions. A call that rang at multiple groups' phones before being answered will count once for each group. The call will only count as answered for the group that actually answered the phone; the call will count as missed for the other groups.
For a list of filter definitions for Percent of Calls Answered, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Percent of Calls Lost In Queue
This value shows the percentage of inbound calls associated with the given group where the caller reached a queue and hung up before being answered by an agent, meaning the call was lost (abandoned) while in the queue.
For a list of filter definitions for Percent of Calls Lost in Queue, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Percent of Calls Missed
This value shows the percentage of the given group's calls where the group was involved in a Ringing or Queue event, but not a Talking event, meaning they missed the call. By default, this column will only include inbound calls, but it can be set to include other call directions.
- A single call that rang two different times for the same group but was answered once will count as an answered call, not a missed call.
- Calls that were answered by a second group after being missed by the first group will still count as missed for the first group, even though the call itself was eventually answered.
- In order for a group to miss or answer a call, the call must first be presented to the group. An inbound call that goes directly to voicemail will not count as presented or missed because it never rang at any agent's phone or entered a queue.
For a list of filter definitions for Percent of Calls Missed, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Presented Calls
This value shows the total number of calls in which the specified group was involved in at least one ringing or queue event, meaning the group had a chance to participate in the call. By default, this column will only include inbound calls, but it can be set to include other call directions.
- This column does not look for Talking events. A call that contains at least one ringing or queue event will count as presented, regardless of whether or not it was answered.
- An inbound call that goes directly to voicemail will not count as presented because it never rang at an agent's phone or entered a queue.
For a list of filter definitions for Presented Calls, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Question Score
This value shows the score(s) the group received for the question(s) on the scorecard for the selected group(s).
This value pertains to the Scorecard feature of the Recording Library module. Scorecards provide the ability to create a series of questions wherein the manager may evaluate the 0-group performance based on the recordings that coincide with the Scorecard. Once a call has been "scored," you may then run a report that will provide the scored call statistics.
Note: This value requires the Recording Library module. As a result, if this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased, then the column will appear empty upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Question Score, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Queue Duration
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average duration of all queue events associated with the given group.
For a list of filter definitions for Queue Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Ready Duration
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average block of time the given agents for the given group spent in a Ready state for the specified.
An agent is considered to be Ready for a hunt group when he/she is able to receive the group's calls. Specifically, this means the agent is not in DND status, is not currently involved in a call, and is logged into the given group.
Note: This value requires the Realtime Agent Seat module. If this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased or the license has not been assigned to the agent(s), then the column will appear empty as a result upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Agent Ready Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Ringing Duration
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average duration of all ringing events associated with the given group.
For a list of filter definitions for Ringing Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Scorecards Scored
This value pertains to the Scorecard feature of the Recording Library module. Scorecards provide the ability to create a series of questions wherein the manager may evaluate the group's performance based on the recordings that coincide with the Scorecard. Once a call has been "scored," you may then run a report that will provide the scored call statistics. Once the scorecard questions have been answered, this value provides a count of how many scorecards have been scored for the given group.
Note: This value requires the Recording Library module. As a result, if this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased, then the column will appear empty upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Scorecards Scored, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Speed of Answer
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average time it took for the agents in the given hunt group to answer their phones when a call came to their group.
Group speed of answer is defined as the total duration of the ringing and queue events associated with the group or the agents in the group before the call's first talking event.
- By default, this column only applies to Inbound calls. It can be set to look at other call directions.
- This column only concerns events associated with an agent or group. It does not include events that have no particular agent or group association, such as Auto Attendant events.
For a list of filter definitions for Speed of Answer, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Talking Duration
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average duration of all talking events associated with the given group.
For a list of filter definitions for Talking Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Unanswered Calls
This value shows the total number of incoming calls associated with the given group that did not contain at least one talking event. These are calls that were never handled by a live agent.
For a list of filter definitions for Unanswered Calls, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Updated about 2 years ago