Active Directory Integration
This article demonstrates how to integrate with Active Directory.
How To: integrate with Active Directory
Similar questions: integrate with Active Directory, set up the Active Directory, modify the Active Directory
Purpose: To demonstrate how to integrate with Active Directory
- Go to your users container. This is the default location for new user accounts and groups created in the domain.
- Create an authentication user account.
a. Right click on your screen and select New > User.
b. A new pop up window will appear. Fill out the First Name, Last Name (optional), and User Logon Name fields.
c. Click Next.
d. Fill out the Password and Confirm Password fields. Check the box that says Password never expires.
e. Click Next and then click Finish. - Build your security groups. You can do this by using organizational units.
a. Click the organizational units icon to create a new organizational unit. We recommend you do not create this organizational unit within your users container.
b. A new pop up window will appear. Fill out the Name field and click OK. For these instructions, I will use the example name “Chronicall”.
c. Now create an organizational unit within the “Chronicall” organizational unit. To do this, right click on the “Chronicall” organizational unit on the left side bar and select New > Organizational units.
d. A new pop up window will appear. Fill out the Name field and click OK. For these instructions, I will use the example name “User Groups”.
e. Right click on the “User Groups” organizational unit and select New > Group.
Because there are three available user accounts within our software (Administrator, Manager, and Supervisor), we recommend that you create three groups that refer to those three user accounts.
f. A new pop up window will appear. Fill out the Group Name field. For these instructions, I will use the example name “ChronicallAdmin”. Set the Group Scope to Global and the Group Type to Security.
g. Click OK.
h. Repeat steps E through G until all three groups have been created. For these instructions, I will use the example names “ChronicallManager” and “ChronicallSupervisor” for the other groups.
- License your users within Active Directory by creating another organizational unit under the “Chronicall” organizational unit.
a. To do this, right click the “Chronicall” organizational unit and select New > Organizational units. For these instructions, I will use the example name “User Licensing”.
b. Click OK.
c. Next, you will create five different groups under the “User Licensing” organizational unit. These group names need to be created exactly as mentioned in these instructions. To create the first of your five groups, right click “User Licensing” and select New > Group.
d. A new pop up window will appear. Fill out the Group Name field by typing in “ChronicallChatAgent”. Set the Group Scope to Global and the Group Type to Security.
e. Click OK.
f. Repeat steps C through E until all five groups have been created. The names for the other groups are as follows: “ChronicallVoiceAgent”, “ChronicallDashboardAgent”, “ChronicallRealtimeAgent”, and “ChronicallPhoneUser”.
5. Create another organizational unit under the “Chronicall” organizational unit.
a. To do this, right click the “Chronicall” organizational unit and select New > Organizational units. For these instructions, I will use the example name “Users”.
b. Click OK.
c. Right click on the “Users” organizational unit and select New > User.
d. A new pop up window will appear. Fill out the First Name field, the Last Name field, and the User Logon Name field.
e. Click Next.
f. Fill out the Password field and the Confirm Password field. Check the box that says Password never expires.
g. Click Next and then click Finish.
h. Repeat steps C through G until all users you want to add have been added.
6. Configure the users you’ve just added. This means you will add them to the groups we built earlier, assign them an email address, and then assign them a PBX extension.
a. To do this, right click on the user you want to configure and select Properties.
b. A new pop up window will appear.
~ Fill out the Email field in the General tab.
~ Fill out the Mobile field (i.e., 1) in the Telephones tab.
~ Select Members Of tab > Add… . Fill out the Enter the object names to select (examples) field. This field is where we enter in the group we would like the user to be added to. For these instructions, I will use the example name “ChronicallSupervisor”.
~ Click OK.
c. Repeat steps A through B until all users you want to configure have been configured.
Tips on Adding and Configuring Users
- You can add a user to more than one group. Simply click the Add… button again and type in a different group name.
- View the video below to view another way to configure users (time stamp: 6:40).
Before moving on, please take note that there are a few pieces of information in the Properties section of your users that will be used as tags when pulling said users over to Chronicall. Those pieces of information are as listed:
- The Email field in the General tab
- The Display Name field in the General tab
- The Mobile field in the Telephones tab
- Navigate to Chronicall software and pull your users over.
a. To do this, log in to the admin UI of Chronicall.
b. Select Admin (System) > System Settings > Advanced Settings.
c. A dropdown will appear. Go to the Authentication Mode field, click on the associated ellipsis tool, and change it to say Active Directory Authentication by clicking on the dropdown arrow.
d. A new list of information fields will populate.
~ Fill out the Active Directory Server Name field. For these instructions, I will use the example name “dc”.
~ Fill out the Username field. For these instructions, I will use the example name “XimaAD”.
~ Fill out the Password field.
~ Fill out the Root Domain Name field. For these instructions, I will use the example name “”.
~ Fill out the Display Name Tag field. For these instructions, I will use the example name “displayName”.
~ Fill out the Extension Tag field. For these instructions, I will use the example name “mobile”.
~ Fill out the Email Tag field. For these instructions, I will use the example name “mail”.
e. Click OK, and then click Save.
f. Refresh your users and groups by selecting Admin (System) > Refresh Users and Groups.
g. A new pop up window will appear. Click OK.
h. Select User Management > User Accounts. Your users will be listed in the user field when you click the dropdown arrow.
If you have set up a user to have supervisor (user) access, then by default they will not have been given any permissions. To adjust permissions, you can click the Edit User Access button.
i. Go back to the main page of Chronicall and select User Management > User Licenses. Here you will see that your users have been listed and will also be able to see that their licensing has been documented as well.
Updated 12 months ago