Call Report Metric Definitions
This article is a comprehensive list of available values and their definitions that you may choose from when creating a custom detailed Call report.
Account Code
This value displays the account code that is associated with the given call.
Account Codes allow you to report on the reasons as to why callers are calling, or to why the user is calling them.
Using Account Codes
Account codes are associated with the Agent Dashboards module and requires the associated module license. This means that if the Agent Dashboards license has been purchased and account codes have been configured, then this column will display the account code information. If the Agent Dashboards license has not been purchased, then the report can still be used; however, the Account Code column will be left blank.
For a list of filter definitions for Account Code, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Agent Speed of Answer
This value shows the total time it took for agent(s) to answer their phones when the given call came to them. Speed of Answer is defined as the total duration of ringing events associated with an agent before a call's first talking event. Specify one or more agents to only include ringing events associated with those agents.
- This column only applies to inbound calls.
- This column only concerns events associated with an agent. It does not include events that have no particular agent association, such as Auto Attendant events. To include these events, use Time to Answer.
For a list of filter definitions for Agent Speed of Answer, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Auto Attendant Duration
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average duration of all Auto Attendant events in the given call.
For a list of filter definitions for Auto Attendant Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
CDR Column Value
This value will only be used if you are using Chronicall integrated with a Cisco phone system
This value shows all of the unique values of the specified Cisco CDR Field for the given call.
Note: The CDR Field(s) will be selected at the time of configuration.
For a list of filter definitions for CDR Column Value, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Call Cost
This value shows the total cost of the call, as defined by the selected Call Cost Profile. The total cost is calculated by multiplying the total number of seconds in the call times the Call Cost Profile’s rate per minute divided by 60. Note that the specific rate is determined by the Call Cost Profile settings.
Note: Before using this value, a Call Cost Profile must be created. To learn more on Call Cost Profiles see this article.
For a list of filter definitions for Call Cost, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Call Direction
This value shows whether the given call was an inbound, outbound, internal or intersite call.
Intersite Call Direction
If selecting Intersite as the desired call direction from the row filters section when creating the report, you may see the option to select "intersite" as your call direction. Intersite is a call direction designated for Legacy Versions of Chronicall.
For a list of filter definitions for Call Direction, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Call Duration
This value shows the entire amount of time between when the call started and ended. This is how long the call lasted from the beginning to the end.
For a list of filter definitions for Call Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Call Event Cost
This value shows the total cost of the call, as defined by the selected Call Cost Profile. The total cost is calculated by multiplying the total number of seconds in the selected events times the Call Cost Profile’s rate per minute divided by 60. Note that the specific rate is determined by the Call Cost Profile settings.
Note: This field differs from Call Cost in that Call Cost calculates based on the duration of the entire call, while Call Event Cost calculates based only on the selected event duration.
Example: If “Talking” is the selected event type, then this field will only calculate the cost based on the duration of all talking events.
For a list of filter definitions for Call Event Cost, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Call ID
This value shows the unique ID that Chronicall assigned to the given call.
A Call ID is an ID number that corresponds to the calls within the database.
For a list of filter definitions for Call ID, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Call Key
Note: This value is only used when working with the Historical Call Data API.
This value displays the database information for a call. In particular this will display the call start time, end time, and the call ID.
For a list of filter definitions for Call Key, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Caller ID
This value shows the caller ID that the phone system associated with this call.
- The caller ID is the name of the person calling in
- This value generally displays the caller ID for inbound calls only
For a list of filter definitions for Caller ID, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Calling Agent
This value shows the first agent who dialed on an internal, outbound, or intersite call. This is the agent who initiated the call.
For a list of filter definitions for Calling Agent, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Calling Party Number
This value shows the phone number associated with whoever initiated the call.
- For outbound, internal, and intersite calls, this shows the extension of the calling agent.
- For inbound calls, this shows the phone number (provided by the service provider) that is associated with whoever called in.
For a list of filter definitions for Calling Party Number, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Composite Score
This value shows the combined average for all question scores for the campaign.
This is a scorecard value, meaning that it requires the Chronicall Recording Library module.
If a scorecard campaign has not been created, or the Recording Library has not been purchased, this column will appear empty.
Scorecards provide the ability to create a series of questions wherein the manager may evaluate the agent(s)/group(s) performance based on the recordings that coincide with the scorecard. Once a call has been scored, you may then run a report that will provide the scored call statistics.
For a list of filter definitions for Composite Score, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Dialed Party Number
This shows the first phone number that was dialed to initiate the phone call.
- For internal calls, this will be the extension number that was dialed.
- For inbound calls, this will be the number that the external party dialed to reach your phone system.
- For outbound calls, this will be the number that the agent dialed to reach their intended target.
For a list of filter definitions for Dialed Party Number, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Dialing Duration
This value shows the total amount of time that the given call spent in dialing events.
For a list of filter definitions for Dialing Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
End Time
This value shows the date and time that the given call ended.
This value can be configured to your desired day/time format.
- Oct 7, 2019 3:11:26 pm (This is the default format)
- 5:13:37 pm
- 10/7/2019
For a list of filter definitions for End Time, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Event Count
This value shows the total number of events that the phone system reported for this call.
Note: This value can be configured to provide a count of specific selected events. The events will be selected during configuration of the value.
For a list of filter definitions for Event Count, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Event Duration
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average duration of all events in the given call.
Note: Specify one or more events types to only include those events.
For a list of filter definitions for Event Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Expanded Question Score
When creating a Recording Library Scorecard, you will create a series of questions that will be used to evaluate the performance of the agent(s). Once the call recordings have been scored, you can evaluate the performance of the agent using a campaign report. When creating a call detail campaign report, each question found in the campaign will display in it's own column, providing the ability to see the scores received for each question. The Expanded Question Score value allows you to simply add one "Expanded Question Score" column, and by default, it will then display a column for each question found in the campaign without having to manually add a column for each individual question.
Note: This value requires the Recording Library module. As a result, if this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased, the column will appear empty upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Expanded Question Score, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
For more information on score cards see this article
External Party
This value shows the phone number of the External Party associated with the given phone call.
- For inbound calls, this is the number of the calling party (i.e., the person calling in.)
- For outbound calls, this is the dialed party number. (i.e., the number that the agent dialed.)
- For internal calls, this field is blank.
For a list of filter definitions for External Party, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Final Agent
This value shows the last agent that was associated with an even in the given call. In most cases, this is the final agent involved with the call.
For a list of filter definitions for Final Agent, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Final Event
This value shows the last event that was associated with the given call. This field excludes Drop events.
For a list of filter definitions for Final Event, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Final Group
This value shows the last hunt group that was associated with the given call.
For a list of filter definitions for Final Group, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Final Tag
This shows the last tag that was associated with an event in the given call.
Note: Tags are configured within IP Office Manager.
For a list of filter definitions for Final Tag, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Finalized Event Count
This value shows total count of finalized events that match the event criteria. Finalized events indicate that the call has been completed and is not currently in progress.
For a list of filter definitions for Finalized Event Count, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Group Speed of Answer
This shows the total time it took for the agents in the selected hunt groups to answer their phone when the given call came to their group. Group Speed of Answer is defined as the total duration of the ringing and queue events associated with the group or the agents in the group before the call's first talking event. Specify one or more groups to only include ringing and queue events associated with those groups.
- By default, this column only applies to inbound calls. It can be set to look at other call directions.
- This column only concerns events associated with an agent or group. It does not include events that have no particular agent or group association, such as Auto Attendant events. To include these events, use Time to Answer.
For a list of filter definitions for Group Speed of Answer, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Hold Duration
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average duration of all hold events in the given call.
For a list of filter definitions for Hold Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
In Conference
This value shows a check-mark if the given call included a conference and will show blank if it did not.
For a list of filter definitions for In Conference, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Includes Event Sequence
This value allows the user to specify a sequence of events (e.g., ringing followed by talking followed by hold). If the given call contains the specific sequence, this field will show a check mark. If the call does not contain the sequence, it will be blank.
For a list of filter definitions for Includes Event Sequence, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Initial Agent
This value shows the first (initial) agent that participated in the given call.
For a list of filter definitions for Initial Agent, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Initial Group
This value shows the first (initial) hunt group that participated in the given call.
For a list of filter definitions for Initial Group, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Initial Tag
This value shows the initial tag that was associated with an event in the given call.
Note: Tags are configured within IP Office Manager.
For a list of filter definitions for Initial Tag, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Internal Party
This value shows the phone number of the internal party associated with this call.
- For inbound calls, this shows the dialed party number. (The number the caller dialed)
- For outbound calls, this shows the calling party number. (The number of the person making the call)
- For internal calls, this field is blank.
For a list of filter definitions for Internal Party, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Is Abandoned
This value shows a check mark if the given call was abandoned and will show as blank if it was not.
Note: A call is abandoned if it ends in any event other than a talking or voicemail event.
Abandoned Calls
In addition, abandoned calls can be calls that were at one point answered. For example, if the receiving agent answers the call, then places the calling party on hold, then the calling party hangs up while in the hold state, this would be considered an abandoned call, again, because it ended in an event other than a talking or voicemail event.
For a list of filter definitions for Is Abandoned, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Is Answered
This value shows a check mark if the given call was answered and will show as blank if the call was not answered.
Note: A call is considered answered when there is a talking event between the caller and the given agent.
For a list of filter definitions for Is Answered, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Is Recorded
This value shows a check mark if the given call was recorded and will show as blank if it was not.
Note: This is a recorded call value, meaning that it requires the Chronicall Recording Library module.
For a list of filter definitions for Is Recorded, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Is Unanswered
This value shows a check mark if the call was unanswered, and will show as blank if the call was answered.
Note: *Unanswered calls are calls that did not contain at least one Talking event. This means that the calls were never answered by a live agent.*
For a list of filter definitions for Is Unanswered, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Note Author
This value shows the name and/or extension of the agent that left a note in the given call either in Cradle to Grave or through a call screen pop.
When in Cradle to Grave, notes can be easily added to a call by clicking in the "C2G Notes" column for the desired call. A window will appear and a note can then be added.
To learn more about adding notes to call screen pop, see this article
For a list of filter definitions for Note Author, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Note Creation Time
This value shows you when a note was created for the given call.
When in Cradle to Grave, notes can be easily added to a call by clicking in the "C2G Notes" column for the desired call. A window will appear and a note can then be added.
To learn more about adding notes to call screen pop, see this article
For a list of filter definitions for Note Creation Time, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Note Text
This value shows the text of the note that was added for the given call.
When in Cradle to Grave, notes can be easily added to a call by clicking in the "C2G Notes" column for the desired call. A window will appear and a note can then be added.
To learn more about adding notes to call screen pop, see this article
For a list of filter definitions for Note Text, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Park Duration
This shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average duration of all park events in the given call.
A Park event is similar to a Hold event. If an agent places a caller on "hold", only that agent can take the caller off of the "hold" event. A Park event is similar. If an agent places a caller on "park", anyone in the agent's group can take that caller off of "park".
For a list of filter definitions for Park Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
QCB Port Not Available Time
QCB stands for Queue Call Back. This value shows the total amount of time that a Queue Callback port was not available during the given call, meaning that the caller did not have the ability to select to receive a callback.
Note: This value requires the Multimedia and the Queue Callback modules. If this value is added to a report and the modules have not been purchased or the licenses have not been assigned to the agent(s), then the column will appear empty as a result upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for QCB Port Not Available Time, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Question Score
This value shows the score(s) the agent/group received for the question(s) on the scorecard for the selected agent(s)/group(s).
This value pertains to the Scorecard feature of the Recording Library module. Scorecards provide the ability to create a series of questions wherein the manager may evaluate the agent/group performance based on the recordings that coincide with the Scorecard. Once a call has been "scored," you may then run a report that will provide the scored call statistics.
Note: This value requires the Recording Library module. As a result, if this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased, then the column will appear empty upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Question Score, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Queue Duration
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average duration of all queue events in the given call.
For a list of filter definitions for Queue Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Rate Label
This value shows the rate label that this call falls into, based on the selected Call Cost Profile settings.
Each Call Cost Profile can define different rates for different external numbers. For example, a Call Cost Profile can have a label named “Local,” which includes area codes 801, 435, and 208. Any call whose external number starts with those numbers will have the “Local” rate label.
For more information on Call Cost Profiles see this article
For a list of filter definitions for Rate Label, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Rate by Call Duration
This value shows a dollar amount based on the call's duration in minutes multiplied by the specified rate.
For a list of filter definitions for Rate by Call Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Rate by Event Duration
This value shows a dollar amount based on the duration of the specified event types in minutes multiplied by the specified rate.
Talking Event Cost = $.10/minute.
A call with a total talk time of 15 minutes = $1.50.
For a list of filter definitions for Rate by Event Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Rate per Minute
This value shows the rate per minute for the given call based on the selected Call Cost Profile settings.
The rate per minute will be determined by the external number of the call. For example, if the Call Cost Profile has a Rate named “Local” with rate per minute 2.0, then any number that falls into the “Local” rate label (See Rate Label) will have Rate per Minute equal to 2.0.
For more information on Call Cost Profiles see this article
For a list of filter definitions for Rate per Minute, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Receiving Agent
This shows the first agent that was a receiving party of an event in the given call.
For a list of filter definitions for Receiving Agent, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Recording Details
Note: This value is only used when working with the Recording Data API.
When working with the Recording Data API, this value will display on the report a JSON string of all of the recording details. (E.g., Recording Key, Call Key, Start Time, Duration, Recording Pool Id, Size, Event Id, Event Type, Recording System Id, Recording Status, Calling Party, Receiving Party.)
Note: This value requires the Recording Library module. As a result, if this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased, then the column will appear empty upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Recording Details, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Recording Hash Value
Note: This value is only used when working with the Recording Data API.
When working with the Recording Data API, Chronicall creates an MD5 hash of the recording audio bytes. This allows for verification that the recording audio has not been tampered with in any way. This value is used in rare circumstances, but it will display the MD5 hash for verification of recording authenticity.
For a list of filter definitions for Recording Hash Value, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Recording Listen Link
If a call has been recorded, this value will display a link to the recording associated with the call on the report. By clicking on the link, this value will allow you to listen to the recording associated with the call.
Note: This value requires the Recording Library module. As a result, if this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased, then the column will appear empty upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Recording Listen Link, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Recording Question Text
This value pertains to the Scorecard feature of the Recording Library module. Scorecards provide the ability to create a series of questions wherein the manager may evaluate the agent/group performance based on the recordings that coincide with the Scorecard. Once a call has been "scored," you may then run a report that will provide the scored call statistics.
This value pertains to call scorecards containing "text" questions. This value will display any text from text questions associated with the given call.
Note: This value requires the Recording Library module. As a result, if this value is added to a report and the module has not been purchased, then the column will appear empty upon running the report.
For a list of filter definitions for Recording Question Text, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Ringing Duration
This shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average duration of all ringing events in the given call.
For a list of filter definitions for Ringing Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Scorecards Scored
This value pertains to the Scorecard feature of the Recording Library module. Scorecards provide the ability to create a series of questions wherein the manager may evaluate the agent/group performance based on the recordings that coincide with the Scorecard. Once a call has been "scored," you may then run a report that will provide the scored call statistics.
In rare situations, a call may belong to more than one scorecard campaign. This value shows how many scorecards associated with the given call have been scored. In most scenarios, this will display either 0 or 1. However, there may be scenarios where, if the call belongs to more than one campaign, and if the scorecards have been scored, the column may display more than 1.
For a list of filter definitions for Scorecards Scored, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Start Time
This value shows the date and time that the given call started.
This value can be configured to your desired day/time format.
- Oct 7, 2019 3:11:26 pm (This is the default format)
- 5:13:37 pm
- 10/7/2019
For a list of filter definitions for Start Time, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
System ID
This value shows the unique ID associated with the local phone system. This field is useful for sites that are part of an SCN (Small Community Network) configuration.
For a list of filter definitions for System ID, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Talking Duration
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average duration of all talking events in the given call.
For a list of filter definitions for Talking Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Time to Answer
This value shows the time it took for the given call to be answered. Time to Answer is defined as the time between the call reaching the phone system and the first talking event of the call.
- This column only applies to inbound calls.
- By default, this column includes Auto Attendant events and other events that are not associated with any particular agent or group.
For a list of filter definitions for Time to Answer, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Transfer Hold Duration
This value shows the total, maximum, minimum, or average duration of all transfer hold events in the given call.
Note: A Transfer hold is an event that is created while the agent is in the process of transferring the caller to another agent.
For a list of filter definitions for Transfer Hold Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Trunks Uses on Call
This value shows the trunk(s) that the given call used.
For a list of filter definitions for Trunks Used on Call, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
U.S. City
This value shows the name of the city from which the external party is calling or receiving the call.
This is determined based on the central office code associated with the first six digits of a standard ten-digit number. Despite its name, this column can show data from any country that uses the ten-digit standard.
For internal calls, this field will be blank.
For a list of filter definitions for U.S. City, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
U.S. City, State
This value shows the name of the city and state/province/country from which the external party is calling or receiving the call.
- This is determined based on the central office code associated with the first six digits of a standard ten-digit number. Despite its name, this column can show data from any country that uses the ten-digit standard.
- For internal calls, this field will be blank.
For a list of filter definitions for U.S. City, State, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
U.S. State
This value shows the name of the state/province/country from which the external party is calling or receiving the call.
- This is determined based on the central office code associated with the first six digits of a standard ten-digit number. Despite its name, this column can show data from any country that uses the ten-digit standard.
- For internal calls, this field will be blank.
For a list of filter definitions for U.S. State, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Voicemail Duration
This value shows the duration of the voicemail event associated with the given call.
For a list of filter definitions for Voicemail Duration, see the Report Filter Criteria report.
Updated almost 5 years ago