Creating a Post-Call Survey
This article provides information on how to create a simple post-call survey. The use case for this survey is for customers who want to send their customers to a survey where they can evaluate either their experience or the agent.
To view a video tutorial on this, click here.
Creating the Survey
- Log into IP Office.
The agents need a destination where they can transfer the callers. As an example, we are going to use a voicemail node, which in essence will act as an auto attendant. In this example, there are three different questions set up. It is important to note that this is best used when it is a simple post-call survey. It is recommended that you only set up five questions or less. Otherwise, the survey data starts to get messy and overly complex.
In this example, the short codes for each question are as follows: Question 1 = 621; Question 2 = 622; Question 3 = 623. When an agent is sending someone to the survey, the agent will send that person to 621, which goes to question one in the Voicemail Pro application. Technically, there is nothing stopping the agent from transferring them to 622 or 623, so be sure to specify where the customer should be sent to for the survey.
When looking at Question 1, you’ll see that you have a simple menu option.
- After clicking on that menu option, you have to create an entry prompt that lets the customer know what you are evaluating them on. Also define what each menu option or button press means. This is done by creating the “Entry Prompts” tab and the “Touch Tones” tab on the menu window that pops up, respectively.
As an example of defining each menu option, you could do a simple 1 through 5 rating with 1 being the customer’s experience was poor and 5 being a great experience. It is also important to add a timeout option.
- To create a timeout option, under the “Touch Tones” tab, check the “timeout” box. Then, under the “seconds” box, bump the time up to about 10 seconds. This is the recommended time we suggest so that the customer has time to respond.
Within every single one of these transfer options (1 through 5 rating or timeout), they’re all going to go to the same destination: 622, which is just Question 2. It’s important to send the caller from each node back to the IP Office so that Chronicall can report on each of the different questions. If the caller from each node is not sent back to the IP Office, Chronicall will not be able to report on the different options that they selected.
What makes these unique is not the destination; it’s the description, which are also referred to as tags. This is what we’re going to report on.
- To create a description, click a transfer option, click on the “Specific” tab, and type in the description (e.g., Q1 no answer).
These descriptions (tags) will transfer from over to IP Office, which goes to Question 2, which is then going to route them back to Question 2. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the following question nodes you have set up. In this example, that would be nodes 622 (Question 2) and node 623 (Question 3). Make sure that your descriptions correspond to your question nodes. For example, Question 2 has descriptions such as “Q2 no answer,” and Question 3 has descriptions such as “Q3 no answer.”
The final step is to make sure the customer knows the post call survey is completed.
- To do that, set up a final voicemail node that acts as a final reply and thank you note. In this example, that would be node 624. This node will have you thanking the customer for their participation in the post call survey. In essence, the node is a generic message, and then it will disconnect the call.
That is how you set it up between IP Office and Voicemail Pro.
Getting Survey Results
We’ve discussed how to set up a survey, but to obtain survey results, that needs to be set up within Chronicall. It is recommended that you have Custom Reports in order to do this because there’s not going to be a good skin report to report on these unique tags. There is a simple tag report that will allow you to report on the different tags, but if you want to evaluate this based off of a group or an agent this tag report is not going to tell you that. For that, we’re going to have to create a report.
- Navigate to Chronicall main page, select “Reports” on the side bar, and then select “Create Report” on the dropdown menu.
To reiterate, you can do a group or an agent report when creating this report. For this example, we will select an agent report.
- Select which type of report you would like to create (agent or group).
- Select “Add” and then select “Call Count.”
- Under “Required Criteria,” enter in a column header that makes sense to you.
- Under “Event Level,” select “Call Includes Tag” by clicking on the ellipsis. A window will appear.
- Click “Add” on the window that appears.
- Click the dropdown menu and select “Contains.”
- In the text box next to the dropdown menu, type in the text of the tag.
As an example of typing in a tag for the timeout option, we could type in “Q1 no” as in “Q1 no response.” The reason we would select “Contains” and then enter in “Q1 no” instead of “Q1 no response” is in case we had entered in “Q1 no answer” in the survey tag (description). This way, both “Q1 no response” and “Q1 no answer” will register. You always select “Equals” and type in the exact tag, but we recommend selecting “Contains” as a precaution.
- Once you’ve entered in the tag, click OK and then select OK again. You’re column should now appear.
- Continue to select “Add” and enter in the desired amount of columns until you have all the columns and information you need.
- Select “Next” and enter in any summary tables you would like to see.
- Select “Next” again and give the report a title. You can also set the report to landscape if you have a lot of questions about potential responses. That will allow you to fit more results on the page.
- Select “Finish” to complete your report.
This report is now ready to be run. You can easily test this by having agents dial the extension number or the short code to make sure the survey goes through all the questions as you would expect.
Updated about 4 years ago