Inbound Call Performance
The Inbound Call Performance report is a Time Interval report. This means that the report lists performance-related inbound call statistics for various time intervals (i.e., hours of day, minutes of hour, days of week, months of year, etc.). The desired time interval can be selected when running the report.
This report will provide overall inbound call traffic statistics throughout the selected time interval. The columns presented on the report will show statistics for calls presented, answered, and abandoned; percent answered and abandoned; average abandoned wait time; average call duration; and average speed of answer. Furthermore, this report will also display the amount of calls answered within 10, 15, 30, 45, and 60 seconds, as well as calls answered after 60 seconds. It will also display the longest wait time.
The Inbound Call Performance report is effective in helping during your busiest and slowest traffic teams, meaning that it can aid in scheduling processes.

Column Descriptions
Time Interval
On the report, the default time interval is "Hour of Day." However, this column will display the time interval selected when running the report.
Calls Presented
This shows the total number of calls in which the specified group was involved in at least one ringing or queue event, meaning the group had a chance to participate in the call. By default, this column will only include inbound calls, *but it can be set to include other call directions.
*To set to include other call directions, you need the Custom Reports module.
Talking Events
- This column does not look for talking events. A call that contains at least one ringing or queue event will count as presented, regardless of whether or not it was answered.
- An inbound call that goes directly to voicemail will not count as presented because it never rang at an agent's phone or entered a queue.
Calls Answered
This shows the total number of inbound calls associated with the given group that contained at least one talking event. These are calls that were handled by a live agent.
Calls Abandoned
This shows the total number of abandoned calls for the specified Hunt group.
Abandoned Calls
An abandoned call is an inbound call that does not end in a talking or voicemail event. This could be any call ending in a hold event, queue event, ringing event, park event, etc.
Additionally, abandoned calls can be calls that were at one point answered. For example, if the receiving agent answers the call, then places the calling party on hold, then the calling party hangs up while in the hold state, this would be considered an abandoned call, again, because it ended in an event other than a talking or voicemail event.
% Answered
This shows the total percent of calls answered, meaning that the calls contained at least one talking event. This is calculated by dividing answered calls by presented calls, and is then displayed as a percent.
% Abandoned
This shows the total percent of calls abandoned, meaning that the call ended in something other than a talking or voicemail event. This is calculated by dividing abandoned calls by presented calls, and is then displayed as a percent.
Avg Abandoned Wait
This shows the average duration that the caller waited in the final event (queue, hold, park, ringing, or transfer hold) before they abandoned the call.
*As a reminder, an abandoned call is any call that ends in an event other than talking or voicemail.
Avg Call Duration
Shows the average duration of all calls involving the specified group
Avg Speed of Answer
Shows the average duration of the ringing and queue events associated with the group or the agents in the group before the call's first talking event
Answered within 10 Seconds
Shows the total number of calls that were answered within 10 seconds of the initial ringing event
Answered within 15 Seconds
Shows the total number of calls that were answered within 15 seconds of the initial ringing event
Answered within 30 Seconds
Shows the total number of calls that were answered within 30 seconds of the initial ringing event
Answered within 45 Seconds
Shows the total number of calls that were answered within 45 seconds of the initial ringing event
Answered within 60 Seconds
Shows the total number of calls that were answered within 60 seconds of the initial ringing event
Answered After 60 Seconds
This shows the total number of calls that were answered after 60 seconds of the initial ringing event, meaning the call had a ringing event longer than 60 seconds before being answered.
Longest Wait
This shows the total duration of the call with the longest wait time before being answered, which means that the call sat in a ringing event longer than others.
Updated about 6 years ago