CDR Reports
This provides a comprehensive list of all CDR report terminology and their definitions.
911 Calls - Within the Standard Reports module, the 911 Calls report shows every call for the selected time frame wherein an agent dials outbound to 911 or 9911. The External Party column on the report allows you to see exactly which version of the number the agent dialed.
The 911 Calls report is a Detailed report. This means that each line on the report will represent one individual call and will provide details for each call. Each line provides a Call ID. The Call ID is a number that is associated with the call in the Chronicall database. This number is useful because once the report is run, you can copy the Call ID for any call found on the report, take it to Cradle to Grave for the same time frame, paste it in the Quick Search tool (look for the magnifying glass icon in the top left-hand corner of Cradle to Grave), and it will take you directly to the call. This will then allow you to see the detailed events of the call.
As a side note, if the Custom Reports module has been purchased, the 911 Calls Report can be edited to report on any number considered to be an emergency number.
Account Code Summary - When an agent (that has been assigned the Agent Desktop license) receives/makes a call, a pop-up will appear in the bottom corner of the screen. This will allow the agent to assign the call an account code. Account codes are used to provide valuable information on who the agents are speaking with and for what reasons. For more information on account codes, see this article.
The Account Code Summary report is a Summary report. This means that each account code selected will be displayed on its own line next to the specific statistics for the given report.
This report is a summary of the configured account codes and displays a summary (totals) of the account codes selected at run time.
*The Account Code Summary report requires the Agent Desktop module.
Agent Call Summary - The Agent Call Summary report is one of the most popular standard reports. This report's main focus is to provide information on how many calls the agents were associated with for the selected time frame.
The report will provide call totals for each agent selected, displaying the agent's performance for the selected time frame.
Because many companies want to see how many calls an agent has missed, this report provides a missed calls column.
Agent Call Volume - The Agent Call Volume report is a Time Interval report. Time Interval reports give you summary totals based upon a selected time interval (i.e., hours or day, days of week, months of year, etc.).
The Agent Call Volume report displays the selected agent's activity statistics broken down by the desired time interval. The report will then display the statistics individually in sub report fashion. This means that each agent will be represented individually by a mini report within the report.
Agent Calls - The Agent Calls report is a list of every phone call for the selected agents for a selected time frame. This report is a Detailed report, which means that every line of the report represents one phone call.
In addition to being a Detailed report, it is sub-grouped by agents. This means that the report will be broken down into an individual mini report for each of the selected agents. To see this mini report for each agent, click "open," which is located at the end of the column of each agent. You will then be able to easily see which calls are associated with which agents.
Agent Event Summary - The Agent Event Summary report is an agent Summary report. This means that each user selected will be displayed on their own individual line next to their specific statistics for the given report.
The Agent Event Summary displays the total count and total duration summaries for each of the common phone events represented on the report.
Agent Inbound Summary - The Agent Inbound Summary report is a Summary report. This means that each agent selected will be displayed on their own individual line next to their specific statistics for the given report.
The Agent Inbound Summary report displays one line per agent selected and displays a summary of their various inbound call totals for the specified time frame. This will provide an overall look at their performance in regards to inbound calls.
Agent Outbound Calls - The Agent Outbound Calls report displays a list of outbound calls wherein the selected agents participated.
The Agent Outbound Calls report is a Detailed report. This means that each line on the report will represent one individual call and will provide details for each call. Each line provides a "Call ID." The Call ID is a number that is associated with the call in the Chronicall database. It is a very useful number as once the report is run, you can copy the Call ID for any call found on the report, take it to Cradle to Grave for the same timeframe, paste it in the Quick Search tool (look for the magnifying glass icon in the top left hand corner of Cradle to Grave), and it will take you directly to the call. This will then allow you to see the detailed events of the call.
This report will display the statistics individually in sub-report fashion. This means that each agent will be represented individually by a mini report within the report. To see an agent's mini report, click "open," which is located at the end of the column of each agent.
*In situations where the calling agent is logged into multiple Hunt groups simultaneously, Chronicall will not be able to distinguish which outbound calls belong to which Hunt groups. However, if you have purchased the Agent Desktop module, when making an outbound call, a licensed Agent Desktop agent will be presented the option to select for which Hunt group the call is being made.
Agent Outbound Summary - The Agent Outbound Summary report is an Agent Summary report. This means that the report will display one line per agent selected and displays a summary of their various outbound call statistics.
It's important to know that in situations where the calling agent is logged into multiple Hunt groups simultaneously, Chronicall will not be able to distinguish which outbound calls belong to which Hunt groups. However, if you have purchased the Agent Desktop module, when making an outbound call, a licensed Agent Desktop agent will be presented the option to select for which Hunt group the call is being made.
Agent Transfer Summary - The Agent Transfer Summary report is an Agent Summary report. This means that each agent selected will be displayed on their own individual line next to their specific statistics for the given report.
This report displays the number of calls transferred to/by each agent, as well as the total and average transfer hold duration. Remember, transfer hold events are associated with the original agent, not the agent who is receiving the transfer.
Basic System Totals - This report contains summaries of data representing all phone data at the specified sites/systems. These include counts of your inbound, outbound, and internal calls, as well as calls that were answered, abandoned, sent to a Conference or Auto Attendant, or included a transfer, ringing, or voicemail event.
Please note that abandoned calls and answered calls will not add up to equal inbound calls. The two are not mutually exclusive; any call that contains a talking event will count as an answered call, while a call that ended in anything but a talking or voicemail event will count as abandoned. It is possible for a single call to be both answered and abandoned.
Call Details (Basic) - The Call Details (Basic) report is a Call Detailed report. This means that each line on the report will represent one individual call and will provide details for each call. This report is very similar to the Call Details report. The main difference has to do with the columns found on the report. The Call Details (Basic) report is just that, basic. It will show fewer columns than the original Call Details report. In particular, this report will not present the Account Code column, nor will it present whether or not a call was recorded. Therefore, if you have not purchased the Recording Library or Agent Desktop module, use this report instead.
This report displays a list of calls, sorted by Call ID. The Call ID is a number that is associated with the call in the Chronicall database. It is a useful number because once the report is run, you can copy the Call ID for any call found on the report, take it to Cradle to Grave for the same time frame, paste it in the Quick Search tool, and it will take you directly to the call. This will then allow you to see the detailed events of the call.
The report's columns include general information about the call, regardless of the group or agent. This report displays info for every call that took place during the selected time frame.
Call Direction Summary - The Call Direction Summary is a Summary report. This means that each call direction will be displayed on its own individual line next to its specific statistics for the given report. This report lists each possible call direction (inbound, outbound, internal, and intersite*).
This report focuses on a summary of calls for each call direction. Columns include the total call count; the total, average, and maximum call duration; and the talking duration of all calls from the given direction. The report summaries at the top of the page show the total, average, and maximum statistics across all of the listed call directions.
*Intersite refers to Legacy versions of Chronicall (prior to version 3.6).
Calls by Account Code - The Calls by Account Code report lists each call that involves the selected account code(s). The calls are sub-grouped by the selected account codes, meaning that each account code selected will display each of the calls associated with it. Each account code will also have display columns that show the call direction, internal party, external party, initial user, total talking duration, start time, and call duration. To see an account code's information in full detail, click "open," which is located at the end of account code's column.
Furthermore, the Calls by Account Code report is a a Detailed report. As a Detailed report, each line on the report will represent one individual call and will provide details for each call. Each line provides a Call ID. The Call ID is a number that is associated with the call in the Chronicall database. It is a useful number because once the report is run, you can copy the Call ID for any call found on the report, take it to Cradle to Grave for the same time frame, paste it in the Quick Search tool (look for the magnifying glass icon in the top left-hand corner of Cradle to Grave), and it will take you directly to the call. This will then allow you to see the detailed events of the call.
Calls by Call Direction - The Calls by Call Direction report is a Detailed report. This means that every line of the report represents one phone call.
This report provides the ability to see the individual call details for each call that took place for the specified agents/groups during the selected time frame. This will also be based on the selected call direction (inbound, outbound, internal, and intersite*).
In addition to being a Detailed report, it is sub-grouped by call direction. This means that the report will be broken down into an individual mini-report for each of the selected call directions. You will then easily be able to see which calls are associated to which call direction. To see the mini reports of each call direction in full detail, click "open," which is located at the end each call direction's column.
Furthermore, as a Detailed report, each line on the report will represent one individual call and will provide details for each call. Each line provides a Call ID. The Call ID is a number that is associated with the call in the Chronicall database. It is a useful number because once the report is run, you can copy the Call ID for any call found on the report, take it to Cradle to Grave for the same time frame, paste it in the Quick Search tool (look for the magnifying glass icon in the top left-hand corner of Cradle to Grave), and it will take you directly to the call. This will then allow you to see the detailed events of the call.
*Intersite refers to Legacy versions of Chronicall (prior to version 3.6).
Calls by External Party - The Calls by External Party report allows you to search for external party numbers* in your database using detailed criteria. Each call that involves a matching external party will be listed in the rows of the report. The call's call direction and the matching external party are displayed alongside other general information about the call. Entering nothing into the external party filter will allow all external parties into your report.
This report is a Call Detailed report. This means that each line on the report will represent one individual call and will provide details for each call. Each line provides a Call ID. The Call ID is a number that is associated with the call in the Chronicall database. It is a very useful number as once the report is run, you can copy the Call ID for any call found on the report, take it to Cradle to Grave for the same timeframe, paste it in the Quick Search tool (look for the magnifying glass icon in the top left-hand corner of Cradle to Grave), and it will take you directly to the call. This will then allow you to see the detailed events of the call.
*An external party (or external number) is a number that has origins from outside of your phone system.
Conference Calls - This report lists each of the calls that contained a conference event during the selected time frame. Columns included will show call direction, external party, internal party, final agent, start time, and call duration.
This report is a Call Detailed report. This means that each line on the report will represent one individual call and will provide details for each call. Each line provides a Call ID. The Call ID is a number that is associated with the call in the Chronicall database. It is a useful number because once the report is run, you can copy the Call ID for any call found on the report, take it to Cradle to Grave for the same time frame, paste it in the Quick Search tool (look for the magnifying glass icon in the top left-hand corner of Cradle to Grave), and it will take you directly to the call. This will then allow you to see the detailed events of the call.
*It is important to know that internal conferences that involved two or more agents will appear on multiple rows in this report, just as they would in Cradle to Grave.
Emergency Calls - The Emergency Calls report provides the ability for you to report on any number that you consider to be an emergency number. This report focuses on outbound calls by the dialing agent and will provide columns focusing on calling agent, external party, start time, end time, and call duration.
The Emergency Calls report is a Detailed report. This means that each line on the report will represent one individual call and will provide details for each call. Each line provides a Call ID. The Call ID is a number that is associated with the call in the Chronicall database. It is a useful number because once the report is run, you can copy the Call ID for any call found on the report, take it to Cradle to Grave for the same time frame, paste it in the Quick Search tool (look for the magnifying glass icon in the top left-hand corner of Cradle to Grave), and it will take you directly to the call. This will then allow you to see the detailed events of the call.
Excessive {Event Type} by Agent - The Excessive (Event Type) by Agent report allows you to report on calls containing a specific event or events, but only if the event(s) fit the duration threshold specified (i.e., an event lasting longer than, less than, or equal to two minutes).
The report columns list general information about each call, including the call direction, internal and external parties involved, account code, event type duration, and the call's start time and total duration.
The Excessive (Event Type) by Agent report is a Detailed report. This means that each line on the report will represent one individual call and will provide details for each call. (To see an agent's calls in full detail, click "open," which is located at the end each agent's column.) Each line provides a Call ID. The Call ID is a number that is associated with the call in the Chronicall database. It is a useful number because once the report is run, you can copy the Call ID for any call found on the report, take it to Cradle to Grave for the same timeframe, paste it in the Quick Search tool (look for the magnifying glass icon in the top left-hand corner of Cradle to Grave), and it will take you directly to the call. This will then allow you to see the detailed events of the call.
In addition to being a Detailed report, it is sub-grouped by agent. This means that the report will be broken down into an individual mini-report for each of the selected agents. You will then easily be able to see which calls are associated to which agent.
It’s important to know that this report contains an Account Code column. Account codes are generally associated with the Agent Desktop module. Therefore, if the Agent Desktop license has not been purchased, then the report can still be used; however, the Account Code column will be left blank.
External Number Summary - The External Number Summary report allows you to search for external party* numbers in your database. This report gives you summary totals for the selected external numbers and features columns displaying totals for each call direction (inbound, outbound, and internal), call durations, and talking durations.
Remember, entering nothing into the External Party filter will allow all external parties into your report.
As a summary report, each external number selected will be displayed on its own individual line next to the specific statistics for the given phone number.
*An external party (or external number) is a number that has origins from outside of your phone system.
Inside Sales - This is a group assigned in Communication Manager. This report gathers information on the Inside Sales group.
Outbound Call Summary - The Outbound Call Summary report provides a summary of statistics for the outbound calls made by the selected agents for the selected time interval. Columns featured are Total Calls, Dialing, Talking, and Call Duration.
The Outbound Call Summary is a Time Interval report. This means that the report lists performance-related outbound call statistics for various time intervals (i.e., hours of day, minutes of hour, days of week, months of year, etc.). The desired time interval can be selected when running the report. The default time interval for this report is "Hours of Day."
Outbound Calls by External Party - The Outbound Calls by External Party report provides the ability to report on outbound calls made by your agents to specific *external numbers. You will be able to select the desired external numbers when running the report. Columns on this report will display calling party, location, call duration, and start time.
The Outbound Calls by External Party report is a detailed report. This means that every line of the report represents one phone call. In addition to being a Detailed report, it is sub-grouped by external number. This means that the report will be broken down into an individual mini report for each of the selected external numbers. You will then be able to easily see which calls are associated with which numbers.
*An external number (or external party) is a number that has origins from outside of your phone system.
Sales Account Code Summary - This reports on calls that have been assigned an Account Code. The code is assigned within Agent Dashboards.
Support - Agent Call Volume - The Agent Call Volume report is a Time Interval report. Time Interval reports give you summary totals based upon a selected time interval (i.e., hours or day, days of week, months of year, etc.).
The Agent Call Volume report displays the selected agent's activity statistics broken down by the desired time interval. The report will then display the statistics individually in sub report fashion. This means that each agent will be represented individually by a mini report within the report.
This report specifically focuses on the Support group.
Trunk Usage By Time - The Trunk Usage by Time report is a time interval report. This means that the report lists performance-related trunk statistics for various time intervals (i.e., hours of day, minutes of hour, days of week, months of year, etc.). The desired time interval can be selected when running the report. This report focuses on the overall traffic passing through the selected trunk(s). Columns featured on this report will display total/inbound/outbound trunk call count, total/inbound/outbound trunk duration, max channel usage, and max trunk saturation.
In addition to being a Time Interval report, this report will also display the trunk statistics individually in sub-report fashion. This means that each selected trunk will be represented individually by a mini report within the report.
Trunk Usage Summary - The Trunk Usage Summary report is a summary report. This means that each selected trunk will appear on its own line next to its own statistics. This report displays summary statistics for the overall trunk usage. Columns displayed on this report feature total call count, inbound/outbound call count, total trunk duration, total inbound/outbound trunk duration, and max trunk saturation.
Updated about 5 years ago