External Number Summary
The External Number Summary report allows you to search for external party* numbers in your database. This report gives you summary totals for the selected external numbers and features columns displaying totals for each call direction (inbound, outbound, and internal), call durations, and talking durations.
Remember, entering nothing into the External Party filter will allow all external parties into your report.
As a summary report, each external number selected will be displayed on its own individual line next to the specific statistics for the given phone number.
*An external party (or external number) is a number that has origins from outside of your phone system.

Column Descriptions
External Number
This displays the external number (or external party). This is a number that has origins from outside of your phone system.
Total Calls
Shows the total number of calls associated with the given external number.
Inbound Calls
This shows the total number of inbound calls associated with the given external number. As a reminder, an inbound call is a call that originated outside of your phone system and dialed into your phone system.
Outbound Calls
This shows the total number of outbound calls associated with the given external number. As a reminder, an outbound call is a call that originated inside of your phone system and dialed out to a number outside of your phone system.
Total Call Duration
Shows the total duration of all calls associated with the given external number.
Total Inbound Call Duration
Shows the total inbound call duration of all calls associated with the given external number.
Total Outbound Call Duration
Shows the total outbound call duration of all calls associated with the given external number.
Total Talking Duration
Shows the total duration of all talking events associated with the given external number.
Avg Talking Duration
Shows the average duration of all talking events associated with the given external number.
Avg Call Duration
Shows the average call duration of all calls associated with the given external number.
Max Call Duration
Shows the maximum call duration of all calls associated with the given external number.
Updated about 6 years ago