Realtime Overview

This gives an overview of what Realtime has to offer.

Agent Timeline

Realtime provides a way for managers to monitor their individual Realtime agents throughout the day. Agent Timeline specifically allows managers to check in on their agents’ activity from the convenience of their desktop. They can check if they’re on DND, if they’re ready to take a call, and other related topics.

Group Timeline

Group Timeline allows managers to view everything related to queued calls on a group basis. They can see the number of calls in queue, longest calls in queue, and other related items from their desktop.

Realtime Wallboards

This feature provides your full spread of live call statistics. Realtime Wallboards provides you with a visual display and lets you choose which call statistics you want to put up. You can customize your display to show agent and group stats, abandoned calls, queued calls, talking durations, and other related content.

Alerts and Triggers

Realtime Alerts and Triggers allows you to customize notifications to send to your agents via email, SMS text, and desktop screen pop messages. You can set up a threshold number for any Realtime events such as queued calls or missed calls, and when that threshold is hit, a notification is sent to your agent.
