Station and Agent Performance Summary
This report provides the ability to see agent summary performance based upon a specific group by using both station/agent and group filters for displaying an agent's performance within the group(s).
The Agent Performance Summary report is, as stated in the name, a Summary report. This means that each agent selected will be displayed on their own individual line next to their specific statistics for the given report.
It's important to know that if you have the Realtime module, the "Total Ext Login Duration" and the "Total DND Duration" column will allow you to see the agent duration regarding Do Not Disturb (AUX), Group/Extension login, etc. Each selected feature will be represented in its own column. If the Realtime module is not present, this column will be left blank.

Column Descriptions
This column shows the names of the selected agents in alphabetical order
Call Count
This column will be subdivided by the groups selected prior to run and show the number of inbound calls the agent participated within each group.

Total Group Calls
This column shows the total number of inbound calls the given station/agent participated on within all of the selected groups
Total Talking Duration
This column shows the combined total duration of talking events for the given station/agent on all inbound calls
Avg Talking Duration
This column shows the average duration of talking events for the given station/agent on all inbound calls
Total Group Talking Duration
This column shows the total duration of all talking events for the given station/agent on all inbound calls to the selected groups.
Avg Group Talking Duration
This column shows the average duration of all talking events for the given station/agent on all inbound calls to the selected groups.
Percent of Calls Answered
This column shows the percentage of the given agent's presented calls that include at least one talking event with the agent, meaning they were answered by the agent. This will include calls that went through the selected groups as well as calls that went directly to the agent, and bypassed the group(s).
Note: A call that rang at multiple agents' phones before being answered will count as answered for the agent who actually picked up the phone, but missed for the other agents.
Percent of Group Calls Answered
This column shows the percentage of the calls answered by the given agent for the selected groups, meaning that the presented call came to the group, and was then presented to the agent. This will exclude calls that bypassed the group, and went directly to the agent.
Percent of Calls Missed
This column shows the percentage of the given agent's presented calls where the agent was involved in one or more ringing events, but no talking events, meaning they missed the call.
Percent of Group Calls Missed
This column shows the total number of inbound calls to the selected groups where the given agent was involved in at least one ringing event, but no talking events, meaning they missed the call.
Total Ext Login Duration
This column shows the total time that the given agent spent logged into their extension
Realtime License Required
This column will only display extension login durations for agents that are licensed with an Agent Realtime license.
Total DND Duration
This column shows the total time the agent spent on Do Not Disturb (AUX).
Realtime License Required
This column will only display DND (AUX) durations for agents that are licensed with an Agent Realtime license.
Updated almost 4 years ago