Station and Agent Inbound Summary

The Station and Agent Inbound Summary report displays one line per agent selected and displays a summary of their various inbound call totals for the specified time frame. This will provide an overall look at their performance in regards to inbound calls for the selected time frame.

The Agent Inbound Summary report displays one line per agent selected and displays a summary of their various inbound call totals for the specified time frame.



Column Descriptions


This column shows the names of the selected stations/agents in alphabetical order

Total Calls

This column shows the total number of inbound calls associated with the given station/agent.

Total Call Duration

This column shows the total duration of all inbound calls to the given station/agent. Call duration is the entire duration of the call from the beginning to end.

Total Ringing Duration

This column shows the combined total duration of all inbound ringing events associated with the given station/agent.

Avg Ringing Duration

This column shows the average duration of all inbound ringing events associated with the given station/agent.

Total Talking Duration

This column shows the combined total duration of all inbound talking events associated with the given station/agent.

Avg Talking Duration

This column shows the average duration of all inbound talking events associated with the given station/agent.

Answered Calls

This column shows the number of inbound calls that included at least one talking event with the given station/agent, meaning that station/agent answered the call.

Percent Answered

This column shows the percent of inbound calls that included at least one talking event with the given station/agent, meaning that user answered the call.