Using Pre-Built Wallboards - HTML
Realtime Wallboards allow you to see the activity of your groups and agents in Realtime, without a refresh rate. This is done by a series of widgets that you can customize to reflect your specific needs. The wallboards provide you the option to build your own wallboard from the ground up, or you can use a pre-built wallboard template provided to you upon accessing the wallboards. This requires Realtime licenses. This article provides information on using the wallboard templates in the HTML version of Chronicall.
Pre-Built Wallboard Templates
Pre-built wallboard templates save you time and effort by providing an existing stylish wallboard with pre-set widgets and metrics.
To access the pre-built templates:
Select the Realtime icon on the left-hand side of the screen.

Select "Realtime Wallboards," then select "New Wallboard" in the top right hand corner.

You will now be presented a screen (see above) that will allow you to select from several template options.
Hover over the desired wallboard template, then click on the "plus sign" in the middle.

Once you select the desired wallboard template, it will open and you will be presented the wallboard "Template Configuration" window.

Depending on the selected template, you will now select which groups and Realtime agents you would like to have monitored on the wallboard.
Note: You will be able to see the location and what each of the widgets will be covering by hovering over each one on the Canvas Configuration. (As seen above)
Your completed wallboard will now be displayed.

Altering the Pre-Built Template
If you are not satisfied with the metrics/widgets found on the pre-built template you are free to make any changes that you would like.
Upon selecting the pre-built template:
- Select the widget that you would like to change.
- Click on the ellipses in the top right hand corner of the widget, then select "Go To Data"
- The configuration window now opens on the right hand side of the screen. The existing value will need to be deleted. Simply click on the circled "X" to remove it.

You can now click on the "Select Metric" option to select and configure the desired metric. Once you are finished, click "Apply" in the bottom right hand corner.
Your changes will then be made. You can now save the wallboard and will be ready to display.
Upon completing the desired changes for your wallboard, hit the "Save and Exit" button in the top right hand corner of the screen. This will take you back to your completed wallboards.
Displaying the Wallboard
Once you have finished your wallboard, you can now display it in your office. If you would like to display the wallboard full-screen through a TV, projector, or monitor, connect the computer displaying Chronicall to your preferred method of display with an HDMI cord.
Once the computer is connected, select the desired wallboard to display from your completed wallboards.
Click on the ellipses in the bottom right hand corner of the desired wallboard, then select "Open." Your wallboard will then open. Select "Full Screen" in the top right hand corner of the screen. This will display your selected wallboard full screen up on the desired screen.
Upon displaying your wallboards, you will also have the option to "loop" the desired wallboards throughout the day. You can learn how to loop your wallboards by seeing this article.
Updated over 4 years ago