Set Up and Use Contact Center Agent Client
This provides information on how to set up and use Contact Center Agent Client.
Set Up
As long as the corresponding manager has properly assigned their agents to the skills and licenses they want their agents to have access to (e.g. Realtime, Dashboard, etc) Contact Center Agent Client (CCAC) will set up automatically.
Signing In and Out of CCAC
- Navigate to the CCAC login page. Please note that your URL will differ from examples. Your specific URL should have been shared with you. Look for the “ccagent” in the URL to know that you are in the right place.
Example URL: htttp://tenant name/ccagent
2. To log in, click on the agent field and select yourself on the list, or you may start typing your name or extension to find yourself faster.
3. Then type in your password. The password will be your extension by default.
4. Click the Log In button
5. To log out, click the three dots next to your name in the upper left hand corner
6. A drop down menu will appear. Click Logout.
Using Contact Center Agent Client
Once you’ve logged in, there are a lot of features you’ll have access to.
Agent Name Display
At the top-left corner of the webpage you’ll see your name and profile picture. Next to your name there is an ellipsis icon. You can click the ellipsis icon for a number of things.
View Wallboard: This option switches your main screen to view the wallboards your manager has assigned to you if your manager has assigned you a wallboard.
View History: This option switches your main screen to view a history of the calls and/or chats you’ve made (or received) in the past, including information such as the caller number, time of call, date of call, and more.
Language: This option allows you to select which language you want your interface to display.
Notifications: This option will allow you to enable/disable screen popups for the agent. This includes "DND" or Busy reason codes, "Extension Logout" reason codes, "Group Logout" reason codes, and "Outbound Skill" assignment for Outbound calls.
Help: This option will link you to this article to help answer any questions you may have.
Change Password: This option allows you to change your password.
Logout: This option allows you to log out of Contact Center Agent Client.
Ready / On DND Slider
This feature is a slider tool next to “Channel States.” The slider tool will be gray and say “On DND” when you are on DND, and will be blue and say “Ready” when you are off of DND.
When you log into CCAC, you will be on DND by default. To make yourself eligible for voice calls or web chat, click the On DND slider and put it into the Ready position. If you would like to be on DND, simply click the Ready slider and put it into the On DND position. When you do put yourself on DND, a window will pop up that provides options for you to select from as to why you are on DND, but only if the agent has been assigned Busy Codes under the Agent Dashboards configuration in Chronicall.
The Ready / On DND slider is different from your phone DND because your phone DND is not skill-specific. If you are on Contact Center DND (CC DND), it is still possible for you to receive calls on your phone, but they will not be skill-specific calls.
Channel States
This feature allows you to select whether you are ready to receive calls and/or chats. If the call and/or chat circles are blue, it means you are ready to receive calls and/or chats. If the call and/or chat circles are gray, it means you are not eligible to receive calls and/or chats.
Manage Skills
The “Manage Skills” icon is located just below the Ready / On DND slider. When you click on the “Manage Skills” icon, a window called “Manage Skills” will appear. This allows you to log in or out of your skill groups. There is also an option in the bottom left corner of the window for you to select or deselect all of your skills simultaneously.
Please note that this feature may not be available to you if your management has already decided that they do not want you to see these options.
You’ll be able to view the wallboard(s) your manager has assigned to you. Wallboards allow you to make educated decisions on if you want to go off of DND to take phone calls, and how your team is doing overall. If you have multiple wallboards, you can click the arrows on either side to scroll and view.
Using Notes and Account Codes on a Call
- When you accept a call, in the upper right hand side corner you will notice three tabs: Details, Notes, and Codes.
- To add notes, click the Notes tab.
- The Notes tab allows you to add free form notes to the call. To add a note (i.e., what happened on the call, invoice numbers, ticket numbers), type what you would like in the message box at the bottom of the screen and, when done, click Post. Each note you add will be time stamped and also have the option to be deleted.
- To add codes, click the Codes tab.
- Click on the dropdown menu at the bottom of the screen and select the code that relates to the call. Then click Post. Please note that you can add additional codes and that codes you have posted have the option to be deleted.
After the call has concluded, these notes and codes will be historically tagged to this call.
After Call Work Timer
After completing a call, beneath the Active Media section located on the left hand side of the screen, you will notice you are now in an ACW state, meaning you will not receive a call until you fulfill one of the three options:
- Wait for the timer to expire
- Click I Need More Time if you need more time
- Click I Am Done if you are ready to receive other calls
Missed Call Work Timer
After missing a call, beneath the Active Media section located on the left hand side of the screen, you will see a sub section called Missed Call Timeout appear along with a timer. You can either wait for the timer to expire, or you can click I Am Done if you are ready to receive another call.
Accepting a Web Chat
Before being able to accept a web chat, make sure that you are in the channel for Web Chat. This is done by looking at the chat icon in the upper left hand corner of the screen and making sure the chat bubble icon is blue. You must also be in the Ready position.
- When a customer starts a chat and it is you that receives it, a window called “Chat Offer” will appear. This window lists the customer’s name and email address, as well as the skill this chat is for. You can click Reject to reject the chat, or you can click Accept to accept the chat.
- If you accept the chat, you may already see an automated response from you that is greeting the customer. This will only happen if it has been configured that way. To respond to a customer, click in the Write a Reply box located near the bottom of the screen. Click Send when you’ve completed your message.
- To respond to a canned message, go to the bottom left and click the document icon and select what response you would like to send to the customer.
- You also have the ability to request a screenshot of the web page that they are on. To do so, go to the bottom left and click the link icon. The customer will see the request on their side and they can send a screenshot.
- You can also transfer a chat to another agent. To do so, click on the three dots icon that is located in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
- A dropdown menu will appear. Click Transfer Chat.
- A new window called “Transfer Chat” will appear. Here you can select which agent you would like to transfer the chat to. You can also transfer the chat to a different skill by clicking over to the Skill tab.
- Click OK when the chat has been accepted.
- If you are ready to end the chat, you can do so from your side by clicking End Chat, which is located in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
Updated over 3 years ago