Realtime Filter Criteria Definitions
This article provides a comprehensive list of all value criteria options that can be selected at the time of value creation when using Realtime values and widgets in the Chronicall Realtime wallboards. The use of the Realtime features requires the Realtime Agent Seat license.
Account Codes Contain
This filter will only include calls that have been tagged with any of the selected account codes. (See Account Codes)
Defining Any
In situations where selecting the "Any" option, this indicates that the metric will provide a count of calls that contain one, some, or all of the selected account codes or events.
Note: This filter requires the Agent Dashboard license.
Account Codes Contain All
This filter will only include calls that have been tagged with all of the selected account codes (See Account Codes)
Defining All
In situations where selecting the "All" option, this indicates that the metric will provide a count of calls that contain all of the selected account codes or events in the same call.
Note: This filter requires the Agent Dashboard license.
Account Codes Do Not Contain
This filter will exclude all calls that have been tagged with any of the selected account codes. (See Account Codes)
Note: This filter requires the Agent Dashboard license.
This filter allows the selection of the desired Realtime agents (users/extensions) to monitor for the given metric.
Agent Does Not Equal
This filter allows the selection of agents(agents/extensions) that you do not wish to be included in the metric count/duration.
Agent Speed of Answer
This filter allows the displaying of calls that were answered by the agent within the given time limit.
Agent speed of answer is the time it took for the given agent(s) to answer the phone when it started ringing. It does not include talking time, transfers, or any other events.
- The [..] option is inclusive at both ends, meaning [0, 5] includes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
- The (..) option is exclusive at both ends, meaning (0, 5) includes 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- The [..) option is inclusive at the start, but exclusive at the end, meaning [0, 5) includes 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- The (..] option is exclusive at the start, but inclusive at the end, meaning (0, 5] includes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
The calculation option will vary based upon the widget and the metric that is being used. Calculation provides the ability to choose how the metric is displayed on the widget
- Count - This shows the total number of the given metric during the given timeframe
- Max Count - This shows the highest total number of the given metric during the given timeframe
- Min Count - This shows the lowest (minimum) total number of the given metric during the given timeframe.
- True/False - This presents "True" if instances of the given metric are presented, and "False" if no instances are presented.
Example: If "Calls in Queue" is our metric, and there are calls in queue, the widget will present "True". If there are no calls in queue, the widget will present "False".
- Duration - This shows the total duration of the given metric during the given timeframe
- Max Duration - This shows the longest (maximum) duration of the given metric during the given timeframe
- Min Duration - This shows the shortest (minimum) duration of the given metric during the given timeframe
- Average Duration - This shows the average duration of the given metric during the given timeframe
- Median Duration - This shows the median duration of the given metric during the given timeframe
Callback Attempts
This filter indicates the amount of times that a callback was attempted. This filter can compare each callback attempt with a specific value by using standard mathematical inequalities (greater than, less than, etc.) and ranges. Any calls that fit your criteria will be included.

Example: A widget that displays the number of accepted callbacks, where the callback attempts were less than 3 attempts.
Note: This filter requires the Queue Callback and Contact Center module.
Call Direction
This filter allows you to select the desired call direction to monitor for the given metric.
- Inbound - When an External Party calls you. The call originates outside of your system and comes into your phone system.
- Outbound - When you call an External Party. The call originates inside your system but goes outside of your system.
- Internal - When you dial another person by their extension in the organization. The call originates in your system but stays in your system. (Extension to extension)
- Intersite - This is very uncommon and is there for Legacy Versions prior to Chronicall release 3.6 - Intersite calls occur when a call starts in one of your phone systems and connects to another system on the same network. You will only see intersite calls if you have set up Chronicall to record data from multiple locations.
Call Direction Does Not Equal
This filter will include all calls except for those that have the specified call direction. If you select multiple call directions, this filter will exclude calls with any of the selected directions.
Example: To see a count of all calls that were not internal, in this filter we would select "Internal". The metric would then show a count of all calls excluding Internal calls.
Call Does Not Include Calling Party
This filter will include all calls except for those that have the specified calling party.
The calling party is the name or number of the person or business who called the receiving party. Each call event has its own calling party, although these are usually the same across a single call.
Use this filter to exclude calls from certain numbers or area codes. Keep in mind that while most filters only allow calls or events that match your specified criteria, this one does the opposite and excludes them.
Call Does Not Include Event
This filter will include all calls except for those that have the specified events.
Call events are the stages a call moves through as it is created, answered, transferred, or ended. If you select multiple events, this filter will exclude calls with any of the selected events.
Example: *This filter can be used to find calls that were never answered by excluding calls with Talking events. Keep in mind that while most filters only allow calls or events that match your specified criteria, this one does the opposite and excludes them.
Call Does Not Include External Party
This filter will include all calls except for those that have the specified external parties.
The external party is the name or number of a person or business involved in a call who is not part of your phone system. This includes both inbound and outbound calls.
Keep in mind that while most filters only allow calls or events that match your specified criteria, this one does the opposite and excludes them.
Call Does Not Include Group
This filter will include all calls except for those that were associated with the specified group(s).
For example, calls that were answered by, transferred to, or missed by the selected group(s) will be excluded. If you select multiple groups, this filter will exclude calls associated with any of the selected groups.
Note: Groups are collections of agents that handle similar tasks and answer the same kind of incoming calls. (I.e., Hunt/Work Groups)
Call Does Not Include Local Party
This value is focused on calls that are to the agents direct number (DID). This filter will include all calls except for those that involve the specified agent.
If you select multiple agents, this filter will exclude events involving any of the selected agents.
Note: While most filters only allow calls or events that match your specified criteria, this one does the opposite and excludes them.
Call Does Not Include Receiving Party
The receiving party is the name or number of the agent who received the calling party's call. This filter excludes any call that includes the specified receiving party.
Note: While most filters only allow calls that match your specified criteria, this one does the opposite and excludes them.
Call Does Not Include Tag
This filter will include all calls except for those that have the specified tags.
Tags, like account codes, are numbers or words that can be attached to a call either automatically by an auto attendant or manually by an agent. However, tags are actually attached to specific call events, and each event can have one tag; if a second tag is set, it overwrites the first. While most filters only allow calls or events that match your specified criteria, this one does the opposite and excludes them.
Note: Tags are configured with the Avaya IP Office Manager.
Call Duration
The call duration is the total length of a call from beginning to end.
This filter can compare each call duration with a specific value by using standard mathematical inequalities (greater than, less than, etc.) and ranges. Any calls that fit your criteria will be included.

For example: Display on a count of calls that had a call duration of "greater than" two minutes.
- The [..] option is inclusive at both ends, meaning [0, 5] includes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
- The (..) option is exclusive at both ends, meaning (0, 5) includes 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- The [..) option is inclusive at the start, but exclusive at the end, meaning [0, 5) includes 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- The (..] option is exclusive at the start, but inclusive at the end, meaning (0, 5] includes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Call Includes All Events
This filter will only include calls that have all of the specified events (queue, transfer, hold, talking, etc.)
For example: If using this filter and you select "Queue", "Hold" and "Transfer" from the Events list, then this filter will display calls only if all three events were present on the same call.
Call Includes Any Event
This filter will only include calls that have one or more of the specified events (queue, transfer, hold, talking, etc.)
For example: If using this filter and you select "Queue", "Hold" and "Transfer" from the Events list, then this filter will display calls only if one or more of the selected events were present on the call.
Call Includes Any Queue Event
This filter will only include calls that have one or more of the specified queue events (callback attempt, callback missed, queue offer, etc.)
For example: If using this filter and you select "Callback Scheduled", "Callback Attempt" and "Callback Canceled" from the Queue Events list, then this filter will display calls only if one or more of the selected queue events were present on the call.
Note: *This filter requires the Contact Center module. Additionally, if the event type is associated with callbacks it will also require the Queue Callback module.
Call Includes Calling Party
This filter will only include calls that have the specified calling party. The calling party is the name or number of the person or business who called the receiving party.
Call Includes External Party
This filter will only include calls that have the specified external parties. The external party is the name or number of a person or business involved in a call who is not part of your phone system.
Note: This includes both inbound and outbound calls.
Call Includes Group
This filter will only include calls that had events associated with the selected group(s) (I.e., Hunt/Work Groups).
Call Includes Local Party
This value is focused on calls that are to the agents direct number (DID). This filter will include all calls for those that involve the specified agent.
If you select multiple agents, this filter will include events involving any of the selected agents.
Call Includes Receiving Party
This filter will only include calls that have the specified receiving parties. The receiving party is the name or number of the agent who received the calling party's call.
Call Includes Tag
This filter will only include calls that have the specified tags. Tags, like account codes, are numbers or words that can be attached to a call either automatically by an auto attendant or manually by an agent. However, tags are actually attached to specific call events, and each event can have one tag; if a second tag is set, it overwrites the first.
Note: Tags are configured with the Avaya IP Office Manager.
Caller ID
This filter will only include calls that have the specified caller IDs. The caller ID is usually the name of the business or the city and state where the call is coming from.
Calling Party Number
This filter will only include calls that have the specified calling party number. The calling party number is the phone number of the person or business who called the receiving party.
Note: Only inbound calls contain calling party numbers; outbound and internal calls will not be included in this filter.
Contact Center Agent
This filter will only include calls wherein a Contact Center (Multimedia) agent was involved. An agent becomes a Contact Center agent when the user has a Chronicall Contact Center Voice License assigned to them.
Note: This filter requires the Chronicall Contact Center module.
Dialed Party Number
This filter will only include calls that have the specified dialed party number. The Dialed Party number, also known as the DNIS, is the number that a caller dialed to eventually reach the receiving party.
Event Sequence Matches
This filter will only include calls with events (queue, transfer, hold, talking, etc.) that appear in the order you specify in the event sequence. Call events are the stages a call moves through as it is created, answered, transferred, or ended.
Note: Events can be separated by other events and still count as a sequence. For instance, a call with Ringing, Talking, and Drop events will apply to a filter looking for a sequence of Ringing, then Drop.
Event Sequence Does Not Match
This filter will include all calls except for those with events (queue, transfer, hold, talking, etc.) that appear in the order you specify. Call events are the stages a call moves through as it is created, answered, transferred, or ended.
These events can be separated by other events and still count as a sequence. For instance, a call with Ringing, Talking, and Drop events will apply to a filter looking for a sequence of Ringing, then Drop.
Note: While most filters only allow calls that match your specified criteria, this one does the opposite and excludes them.
Event Duration
This event-level filter can compare each event's duration with a specific value by using standard mathematical inequalities (greater than, less than, etc.) and ranges. Any events that fit your criteria will be included.

For example, using this filter it is possible to display a count of calls that had an event duration of "greater than" or "less than" two minutes. (e.g. display all calls that have a queue event greater than two minutes.)
- The [..] option is inclusive at both ends, meaning [0, 5] includes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
- The (..) option is exclusive at both ends, meaning (0, 5) includes 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- The [..) option is inclusive at the start, but exclusive at the end, meaning [0, 5) includes 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- The (..] option is exclusive at the start, but inclusive at the end, meaning (0, 5] includes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Event Type
This filter will only include calls with events that match the selected event type(s).
Note: If you select multiple event types, this filter will include all of the selected event types.
Available event types
- Auto Attendant
- Busy
- Callback Cancelled (Queue Callback Module Required)
- Callback Abort (Queue Callback Module Required)
- Callback Accepted (Queue Callback Module Required)
- Callback Attempt (Queue Callback Module Required)
- Callback Audio (Queue Callback Module Required)
- Callback Drop (Queue Callback Module Required)
- Callback Missed (Queue Callback Module Required)
- Callback Offer (Queue Callback Module Required)
- Callback Port Not Available (Queue Callback Module Required)
- Callback Prompt (Queue Callback Module Required)
- Callback Scheduled (Queue Callback Module Required)
- Callback Snoozed (Queue Callback Module Required)
- Conference
- Consolidated
- Dialing
- Hold
- Listen
- Overflow
- Park
- QCB Port Acquired (Queue Callback Module Required)
- Queue
- Queue Audio (Contact Center Module Required)
- Queue Callback Entry (Queue Callback Module Required)
- Queue Offer (Contact Center Module Required)
- Receiving Drop
- Ringing
- Talking
- Transfer
- Transfer Hold
- Voicemail
- Voicemail Collect
- Voicemail Leave
Event Type Does Not Equal
This filter will include calls with all events except for those that match the selected event type(s).
- If you select multiple event types, this filter will exclude events that match any of the selected event types.
- Additionally, while most filters only allow calls that match your specified criteria, this one does the opposite and excludes them.
Feature Duration
A feature is an agent's status. For example, when an agent is logged in to their extension, they have the Extension Login feature enabled. Other features include Group Login, Do Not Disturb, Idle, Ready, and multiple types of forwarding options.
This filter pertains to the ability to report based on the feature's duration by using standard mathematical inequalities (greater than, less than, etc.). Any events that fit your criteria will be included.

Example: The amount of instances where an agent was in a state of DND for "greater than" ten minutes
- The [..] option is inclusive at both ends, meaning [0, 5] includes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
- The (..) option is exclusive at both ends, meaning (0, 5) includes 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- The [..) option is inclusive at the start, but exclusive at the end, meaning [0, 5) includes 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- The (..] option is exclusive at the start, but inclusive at the end, meaning (0, 5] includes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Feature Enabled
While set to true (yes), this filter will include a count of instances an agent participated in the selected features. A feature is an agent's status. For example, when an agent is logged in to their extension, they have the Extension Login feature enabled. Other features include Group Login, Do Not Disturb, Idle, Ready, and multiple types of forwarding options.
Note: Setting this filter to false (No) instead will include a count of instances when an agent did not participate in the selected status.
Feature Type
This filter will only include instances where the selected feature was used by the Agent.
A feature is an agent's status. For example, when an agent is logged in to their extension, they have the Extension Login feature enabled. Other features include Group Login, Do Not Disturb, Idle, Ready, and multiple types of forwarding options. Features can also have words or numbers attached to them that allow you to see more specific information about the feature. For example, the Group Login feature contains the group name and extension.
Feature Type Does Not Equal
This filter will exclude instances where the selected feature was used by the Agent.
A feature is an agent's status. For example, when an agent is logged in to their extension, they have the Extension Login feature enabled. Other features include Group Login, Do Not Disturb, Idle, Ready, and multiple types of forwarding options. Features can also have words or numbers attached to them that allow you to see more specific information about the feature. For example, the Group Login feature contains the group name and extension.
Filtered Call Includes All Events
Note: This value is extremely uncommon.
Filtered criteria is executed after the calls have been filtered down on the event level. The order of filtering for report criteria is; call level, event level, and then filtered level. Call events are the stages a call moves through as it is created, answered, transferred, or ended.
This filter will only include calls that have all of the selected events.
For example: If using this filter and you select "Queue", "Hold" and "Transfer" from the Events list, then this filter will display calls only if all three events were present on the same call.
Filtered Call Includes Any Events
Note: This value is extremely uncommon.
Filtered criteria is executed after the calls have been filtered down on the event level. The order of filtering for report criteria is; call level, event level, and then filtered level. Call events are the stages a call moves through as it is created, answered, transferred, or ended.
This filter will only include calls that have any of the selected events.
For example: If using this filter and you select "Queue", "Hold" and "Transfer" from the Events list, then this filter will display calls only if one or more of the selected events were present on the call.
Filtered Call Does Not Include All Events
Note: This value is extremely uncommon.
Filtered criteria is executed after the calls have been filtered down on the event level. The order of filtering for report criteria is; call level, event level, and then filtered level. Call events are the stages a call moves through as it is created, answered, transferred, or ended.
This filter will exclude all calls that have all the selected events.
- If you select multiple events, this filter will exclude calls with any of the selected events. For example, you can use this filter to find calls that were never answered by excluding calls with Talking events.
- Additionally, while most filters only allow calls or events that match your specified criteria, this one does the opposite and excludes them.
Filtered Call Does Not Include Any Events
Note: This value is extremely uncommon.
Filtered criteria is executed after the calls have been filtered down on the event level. The order of filtering for report criteria is; call level, event level, and then filtered level. Call events are the stages a call moves through as it is created, answered, transferred, or ended.
This filter will exclude all calls that have any of the selected events.
- If you select multiple events, this filter will exclude calls with any of the selected events. For example, you can use this filter to find calls that were never answered by excluding calls with Talking events.
- Additionally, while most filters only allow calls or events that match your specified criteria, this one does the opposite and excludes them.
Final Agent
This filter will include calls whose last interaction with any agent was with the selected agent(s).
The final agent of a call is determined by looking at each event in the call, beginning with the last event of the call. If there was interaction with any agent(s) on the call, the final agent is the last interaction with an agent on the call.
Final Agent Does Not Equal
This filter will exclude calls whose last interaction with any agent(s) was with the selected agent(s). Meaning if the selected agent(s) was/were the final interaction on the call, those calls will not be counted.
The final agent of a call is determined by looking at each event in the call, beginning with the last event of the call. If there was interaction with any agent(s) on the call, the final agent is the last interaction with an agent on the call.
Note: While most filters only allow calls or events that match your specified criteria, this one does the opposite and excludes them.
Final Event
This filter will only include calls that have the selected event(s) listed as the last event of the call before it was dropped. This can be useful for finding out how many calls were dropped while the caller was waiting in a queue or listening to the auto attendant.
Final Event Does Not Equal
This filter will include all calls except for those that have the selected event(s) listed as the last event of the call before it was dropped.
Note: While most filters only allow calls or events that match your specified criteria, this one does the opposite and excludes them.
Final Group
This filter will only include calls whose last (final) interaction with any group was with the selected group(s). The final group of a call is determined by looking at each event in the call, beginning with the last event of the call. When we encounter a phone event that was associated with a group, we call that group the final group.
Final Group Does Not Equal
This filter will exclude calls whose last (final) interaction with any group was with the selected group(s). The final group of a call is determined by looking at each event in the call, beginning with the last event of the call. When we encounter a phone event that was associated with a group, we call that group the final group.
Note: While most filters only allow calls or events that match your specified criteria, this one does the opposite and excludes them.
This filter will only include calls that had events associated with the selected phone system group(s).
Group Does Not Equal
This filter will exclude calls that had events associated with the selected phone system group(s).
Group Speed of Answer
This filter allows the displaying of calls that were answered by the group within the given time limit.

Example: A count of calls to the group that were answered within less than 15 seconds.
Group speed of answer is defined as the total duration of the Ringing and Queue events associated with the group or the agents in the group before the call's first Talking event. Specify one or more groups to only include Ringing and Queue events associated with those groups.
- The [..] option is inclusive at both ends, meaning [0, 5] includes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
- The (..) option is exclusive at both ends, meaning (0, 5) includes 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- The [..) option is inclusive at the start, but exclusive at the end, meaning [0, 5) includes 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- The (..] option is exclusive at the start, but inclusive at the end, meaning (0, 5] includes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
- By default, this column only applies to Inbound calls. It can be set to look at other call directions.
- This column only concerns events associated with an agent or group. It does not include events that have no particular agent or group association, such as Auto Attendant events. To include these events, use Time to Answer.
Initial Agent
This filter will only include calls that have the specified agent listed as the first (initial)agent on the call.
Initial Agent Does Not Equal
This filter will exclude calls that have the specified agent listed as the first (initial) agent on the call.
Note: While most filters only allow calls or events that match your specified criteria, this one does the opposite and excludes them.
Initial Group
This filter will only include calls whose first interaction with a group was with the selected group.
The initial group is computed by looking at each event in the call, starting with the first event. The initial group is the group associated with the first event that is associated with any group.
Initial Group Does Not Equal
This filter will exclude calls whose first interaction with a group was with the selected group(s). The initial group is computed by looking at each event in the call, starting with the first event. The initial group is the group associated with the first event that is associated with any group.
Note: While most filters only allow calls or events that match your specified criteria, this one does the opposite and excludes them.
Is Call Abandoned
While set to true, this filter will only include calls that are considered abandoned.
An abandoned call is an inbound call whose final event is not Talking or Voicemail. This most likely means that the caller dropped the call while waiting in a queue or on hold.
Note: Setting this filter to false instead will only include calls that were not abandoned.
Is Call Answered
While set to true, this filter will only include calls that are considered answered. An answered call is an inbound call that includes a Talking event. This means an agent picked up the phone and spoke to the caller.
Note: Setting this filter to false instead will only include calls that were not answered.
Is Call Conferenced
While set to true, this filter will only include conference calls. A conference call is one that involves multiple agents simultaneously.
Note: Setting this filter to false instead will exclude conference calls.
Is Call Recorded
While set to true, this filter will only include calls that have at least one recording attached to them. A recorded call is a call that has been paired with a recording by Recording Library. These recordings will appear as play buttons to the far right of a call in Cradle to Grave.
Note: Setting this filter to false instead will only include calls that were not recorded.
Multimedia Skill
This filter will include calls or agents that were associated with the selected Multimedia Skill(s). Multimedia Skills are essentially groups associated with the Chronicall Contact Center (Multimedia) module and are configured within Chronicall.
Note: This filter requires the Chronicall Contact Center module.
Overflow Event
This filter only includes calls that contain a selected overflow event
Overflow Events
- Auto Attendant
- Busy
- Callback Canceled
- Callback Abort
- Callback Accepted
- Callback Attempt
- Callback Audio
- Callback Drop
- Callback Missed
- Callback Offer
- Callback Port Not Available
- Callback Prompt
- Callback Scheduled
- Callback Snoozed
- Conference
- Consolidated
- Dialing
- Hold
- Listen
- Overflow
- Park
- QCB Port Acquired
- Queue
- Queue Audio
- Queue Callback Entry
- Queue Offer
- Receiving Drop
- Ringing
- Talking
- Transfer
- Transfer Hold
- Voicemail
- Voicemail Collect
- Voicemail Leave
Overflow Group
This value indicates which overflow group to monitor.
Example: A call rings to the Customer Service group but there are no available agents to take the call. For this scenario, the Support staff has been configured within the phone system to be the overflow group for Customer Service. Therefore, the Support group would be the Overflow Group, as they are setup to receive any calls that overflow from the Customer Service group when no agents are available.
Polling Frequency
This filter works in conjunction with the Custom External Data value. The Custom External Data Value is a metric used to query an organization’s external data. Any agent or group specified will be UTF-8 encoded and added to the External URL in the form of GET parameters
The polling frequency filter indicates how frequently the external data should be polled.
Queue Event Type
This filter will only include calls with queue events that match the selected queue event type(s). If you select multiple event types, this filter will include all of the selected event types.
A queue event is an event that is associated with a call while it is in queue.
Queue Event Types
- Callback Canceled
- Callback Abort
- Callback Accepted
- Callback Attempt
- Callback Audio
- Callback Missed
- Callback Offer
- Callback Port Not Available
- Callback Prompt
- Callback Scheduled
- Callback Snoozed
- QCB Port Acquired
- Queue
- Queue Audio
- Queue Callback Entry
- Queue Offer
Note: *This filter requires the Contact Center module. Additionally, if the event type is associated with callbacks it will also require the Queue Callback module.
Queue Event Type Does Not Equal
This filter will exclude calls with queue events that match the selected queue event type(s). If you select multiple event types, this filter will include all of the selected event types.
A queue event is an event that is associated with a call while it is in queue.
Note: While most filters only allow calls or events that match your specified criteria, this one does the opposite and excludes them.
Additionally: *This filter requires the Contact Center module. Additionally, if the event type is associated with callbacks it will also require the Queue Callback module.
Should Include Pending QCB Calls
This filter will include in the count, any call that has selected to receive a scheduled callback from Chronicall when either the caller is in spot one of the queue, or when an agent becomes available (depending on desired configuration of the Queue Callback module). This filter provides one calculation option. True/False. If set at True, the total will Include Pending QCB Calls, or, calls that are still waiting for a callback. False will exclude calls that are still awaiting a callback.
Additionally: *This filter requires the Contact Center module. Additionally, if the event type is associated with callbacks it will also require the Queue Callback module.
This filter will include calls or agents that were associated with the selected Skill(s). Skills are essentially groups associated with the Chronicall Contact Center (Multimedia) module and are configured within Chronicall.
Note: This filter requires the Chronicall Contact Center module.
System ID
Note: This criteria is intended for Legacy Versions of Chronicall and is not relevant for new installations after 1 July 2014
The system ID is a name or number representing which phone system a call passed through. Most agents only have one site, meaning all calls will have the same system ID, but if Chronicall collects data from multiple sites, each site will tag their calls with their ID.
This filter will only include calls that have the specified system ID. If you select multiple IDs, this filter will include calls with any of the selected IDs. Use this filter to find calls from certain sites.
System ID Does Not Equal
Note: This criteria is intended for Legacy Versions of Chronicall and is not relevant for new installations after 1 July 2014
The system ID is a name or number representing which phone system a call passed through. Most agents only have one site, meaning all calls will have the same system ID, but if Chronicall collects data from multiple sites, each site will tag their calls with their ID.
This filter will exclude calls that have the specified system ID. If you select multiple IDs, this filter will exclude calls with any of the selected IDs. Use this filter to find calls that are not from certain sites.
Additionally: While most filters only allow calls or events that match your specified criteria, this one does the opposite and excludes them.
This filter will only include calls that have the specified tags.
Tags, like account codes, are numbers or words that can be attached to a call either automatically by an auto attendant or manually by an agent. However, tags are actually attached to specific call events, and each event can have one tag; if a second tag is set, it overwrites the first.
Time Frame
Provides the ability to select the desired time frame to monitor for the desired value. For most values, there are three options. Now, Last, and Since.
- Now - This represents a live event, meaning it is taking place at this moment.
Note: Events have have ended will not be included. - Last - This represents the events from the last selected amount of time.
- Example: If 30 minutes is entered as the time frame, this widget would represent the events from the last 30 minutes.
- Since - This represents the events since a specific time time of day. (Resets every twenty four hours).
Time To Answer
This filter can compare each call's time to answer with a specific value by using standard mathematical inequalities (greater than, less than, etc.) and ranges. Any calls that fit your criteria will be included.

Example: A count of calls that were answered within less than 15 seconds
Time to Answer is the time it took for a call to be answered, including ringing time, queue time, and time spent with the auto attendant.
- The [..] option is inclusive at both ends, meaning [0, 5] includes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
- The (..) option is exclusive at both ends, meaning (0, 5) includes 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- The [..) option is inclusive at the start, but exclusive at the end, meaning [0, 5) includes 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- The (..] option is exclusive at the start, but inclusive at the end, meaning (0, 5] includes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Provides the ability to name the given widget. If a title is not entered, the title will remain to be the name of the value. (i.e., If creating a "Call Count" widget and the Title is not changed, the title will be "Call Count".
This filter will only include calls that used the specified trunk or channel.
A trunk is an external line used by a call. Each trunk contains multiple channels. A trunk, including all of its channels, can be referenced with a trunk number, which is usually a small integer like 1 or 2. Add a period and a channel number (1.3, for instance) to specify a specific channel.
Value 1
This filter will only include agent states that have the specified value in Value 1.
A feature is an agent's status. For example, when an agent is logged in to their extension, they have the Extension Login feature enabled. Other features include Group Login, Do Not Disturb, Idle, Ready, and multiple types of forwarding options. Features can also have words or numbers attached to them that allow you to see more specific information about the feature. For example, the Group Login feature contains the group name and extension.
This extra information is stored in a variable named Value 1 and can be added to some filters at the bottom of the Advanced section.
Note: Currently, Value 1 is only used by the Group Login, Ready, and Follow Me features, but future updates may expand this functionality to include more features.
Value 2
This filter will only include agent states that have the specified value in Value 2.
A feature is an agent's status. For example, when an agent is logged in to their extension, they have the Extension Login feature enabled. Other features include Group Login, Do Not Disturb, Idle, Ready, and multiple types of forwarding options. Features can also have words or numbers attached to them that allow you to see more specific information about the feature. For example, the Group Login feature contains the group name and extension.
This extra information is stored in a variable named Value 1 and can be added to some filters at the bottom of the Advanced section.
Note: Value 2 is not currently used by any agent feature, but it may be used in the future as more features are added to Chronicall.
Updated almost 5 years ago