Chronicall 4.2.8 Release
almost 4 years ago by Blake Beard

- Use browser locale for localization
- Allow wallboard loop users to view agents/groups on leaderboard widget
- Enabled WebRTC single sign on
- Chinese characters to numeric representation to avoid hashing conflicts
- Multiple Result/Percent Result track calls by ID to remove duplicates for accurate summary values
- Hide and disable snooze button after maximum snoozes - Java
- Notification text for clarity
- Russian language support
- Chinese language support
- Filter for groups/roles
- UAC for roles
- Large buffer mode for RTP_BUFFER_MODE in VoiceSetting
- Added sipCall info to debug output
- Padding to custom column formulas (custom reports)
- Multimedia login with pbx group feature
- Diag option to log out all agents from their skills
- Log all agents out of all skills at 2:00 am with feature toggle
- Duplicate report option
- Custom reports filter option
- Codec support for .m4a, .mp4, .aac, and .ts audio files
- "Tag" to call pop
- Setting to display tag in CCAC call pop
- COPY_LOCAL_FOR_WAV_CONVERSION to help with remote storage pools
- Null pointer for all access Cradle to Grave filter
- Null pointer issue that arises from cloning event too early
- Added LIBERAL_CD2_DROPPING FT for stuck call issue
- Cleanup for calls with two transfer events
- Improvements to cleaning ports in recording port manager
- Issues with saving scheduled reports
- Save multiple emails when scheduling reports in HTML
- Maintain scroll position after list refreshes
- Bug where Agent Realtime failed to load history
- No longer overflowing calls that are being offered to an agent
- Issue with Reason Codes