Chronicall 4.4.3 Release
over 2 years ago by Nick Whitecar

- Add a message to the notification bell when a queue is plugged
- Update Tomcat version to 9.0.54
- Published new Chronicall Desktop for Windows and Mac OS.
- Add Active Directory support to Chronicall
- Add metric descriptions
- Add new database for Chronicall running on Cisco
- Add recordings to database merging
- Add Blue DB database merging
- Fixed various agent state issues
- Fixed Busy Code issue
- Fixed various call pop issues
- Fixed various call routing issues
- Fixed dashboard stability
- Fixed new user licensing issue
- Fixed various realtime issues
- Fixed various recording issues
- Fixed report Issue
- Fixed various unhandled call flows
- Improved 3.12 to 4.0 migration stability
- Improved backup and recording export stability
- Improved chat
- Improved Salesforce integration
- Improved SSL proxy stability
- Improved supervisor view stability
- Removed legacy log4j 1.x